"Emrys?" I called out softly and he blinked, lifting his head to look at me.

"Daisy? What are you doing here?" He murmured.

I sighed and walked over to the side of his bed.

"I've come to see you and keep you company, if that's alright?"

"You have?"

"Mhm." I nodded with a smile.

"Oh.. Thank you."

I sat down on the edge of his bed and although I knew he wasn't Felix, it felt odd being around him.

I knew that it would take some getting used to, seeing his face with another person inside, but I wouldn't let it stop me from getting to know Emrys.

"Can I get you anything?"

He sat up, letting out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

"A time machine perhaps?"

"If only such things existed." I mumbled, looking into his sad eyes.

"You would like to change the past too?"

"In a heartbeat." I nodded. "I would change the fate of my parents on the day that they died."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It is what it is. I know I could never change the past, so I look forward to the future and make every effort to live the best life that I possibly can. You just never know when your time is up, you know?"

"You can say that again. My time should have come and gone but I'm as fit as a fiddle and still in my prime."

"I've never seen an old man with such youthful looks before."

I couldn't help but grin as I looked over at Emrys and surprisingly, he let out a giggle.

"I don't know why my body didn't age all these years but I suppose I should be grateful."

"Should be?"

Emrys sighed. "This isn't my life. I have no family, no friends, everything that I knew has no doubt changed. I have no money, no home.. Christ, I don't even own any clothes. Maybe it would have been easier if I'd have died with Felix."

His jaw clenched and I saw his fists ball up when Felix's name left his lips. He was angry.

"I hate those god damn aliens." He grunted.

"Me too." I breathed.

A knock on the door made us turn towards it and Kordin walked in a second later.

"Hi Daisy, Medic." He nodded. "Emrys, are you well enough to have a chat?"

I looked over at Emrys and he shrugged. "Yes, sure."

Haldon walked towards the door and I instantly got up to follow him but I was called back.

"Daisy, will you stay?" Emrys asked.

I looked at Kordin, unsure if I was allowed but he reassured me with a nod.

"Um, yes, ok then." I spoke softly and sat down on a chair that Haldon had been sat on.

"So, what's up?" Emrys said as he eyed Kordin.

"Well, the thing is. Medic Haldon has ran all of your tests and everything has come back clear. You are in amazing shape and there are no signs of any illnesses. So, I was thinking. After you've come to terms with everything that has happened to you, will you be staying here on Zandara or would you require a ship back to your home planet?"

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