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𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ー muzan kibutsuji



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    THE next morning when (Y/N) awoke, just like she expected, Kokushibo was gone

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THE next morning when (Y/N) awoke, just like she expected, Kokushibo was gone. However, what was unexpected was the small note that he left behind—a note that contained the information that his master had given him a new mission and he would be away for a few days. While a bite disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see him, she knew that she couldn't disobey Muzan.

She bit her thumb nail.

It was true that she had never informed Kokushibo of Muzan's visit, but she felt it was necessary.

Not only that, but if she told Kokushibo, she was afraid that when Muzan found out that information, he would kill both of them. She didn't fear her own death, she was long since past that, but she didn't wish for Kokushibo to face the same repercussions as she if it ever lead to that.

    Packing up her coal, (Y/N) traveled through town selling what she could to the townspeople.

    Most were friendly.

    Some were not.

    All in all however, she found the day quite successful considering she had sold almost all of her coal except for half a basket which she then slid inside the other three baskets to haul on her back up the mountain. The journey was significantly easier considering she wasn't carrying much weight, and by the time she returned to her small home and stored the coal back in the attached burner, the sun had only been below the clouds for about an hour.

    Just as her hand reached out for the sliding door, she then froze and her eyes widened when sensing the familiar and oppressive presence within.

    He's... returned.

   Swallowing thickly and steeling her nerves, (Y/N) let out a slow breath before sliding open the door and stepping inside, slipping her shoes off to don her inside slippers that she had recently purchased before turning to face Muzan. He sat half cross-legged on one of the zabutons, one of his legs raised so he could place his elbow on his knee to prop up his chin.

    His red eyes slid to meet hers.

    A shiver traced down her spine upon his intense and dark gaze.

    "I see that you have returned, Kibutsuji Muzan," she gave a low bow of her head in respect, knowing that if she did not, he would likely strike her down with very little effort and very little sympathy. "I apologize that I wasn't here to greet you."

    "Where were you?"

    "I was in town selling coal."

    "Coal?" Muzan's nose wrinkled in disgust.

    "Yes... that is what this house is designed for: to make coal," (Y/N) continued to stand, closing her eyes briefly as she tried to regain her bearings. "It will bring in a sufficient income for the life that I will now lead separate from the (L/N) name."

    Muzan tilted his head on his hand.

    (Y/N), taking that as her cue, sat down on the other zabuton across from him, folding her hands on her lap as she gazed at him.

    "To think that you would turn down my offer to become a demon... to sell coal," Muzan's frown deepened, his expression cold and detached, as if completely set apart from his emotions despite the displeasure he felt just from stating the truth of (Y/N)'s situation aloud. "It's disappointing... I truly expected more from you."

    "I assumed you wouldn't," (Y/N) shook her head. "Considering my name, my humanity... I thought you would have expected just this."

    Muzan's lips twitched.

Something about (Y/N) was frustrating to the progenitor of demons, but he couldn't put his finger on what. Usually, if something bothered him like she did, he would just eliminate it at the root of the problem, but something stopped him from killing her. While displeased at the fact that he couldn't bring himself to dispose of a mere human, he reasoned that his curiosity about her was justified considering her disposition concerning death.

Her lack of care was intriguing.

How she carried herself in a dignified manor despite losing everything was intriguing.

It was what led him to allow her to live in the first place—what made him think about turning her into a demon that would serve below him.

"I'm wondering how much longer this will last?" (Y/N) then murmured as she stared at her hands in her lap, a wry smile curving its way onto her lips, Muzan watching her intently with those dark eyes of his that looked as if they could peer right through her. "Your toleration of my life... or that of Kokushibo's visitations. I know you are more than dissatisfied with me, so I can't help but think to the future and if I will be in it."

"You said you are accepting of death... are you taking that back now?" Muzan's eyes narrowed.

"No..." she laughed softly, the sound like music that danced in the silent night in accompaniment with the soft wind. "It's truly just a question I wonder. And unlike me, you won't ever have to think about such a question."

Muzan readjusted his position so he could cross his arms over his chest.

He stayed quiet, however.

(Y/N) continued.

"When I first saw you... I realized that you were a force that had lived for many years and would likely live for many more," she muttered as she let her eyes glaze over, recalling her memory of two weeks ago when Muzan had suddenly appeared in her home with no warning. "The moon was bright behind you... it made your eyes glow red. And I'm not sure why, but that was what I paid attention to most: your eyes. I could see the sheer malice and violent intent that you held for me through your eyes. I truly thought that I would die that night. And from such a powerful force..." Trailing off, she then flicked her gaze upwards to meet his and said, " I said, I would have been accepting of such a death, Kibutsuji Muzan."

    Her stare remained unwavering.

    And just from her words alone, Muzan found himself more than satisfied with her as a whole.

    And just from her words alone, Muzan found himself more than satisfied with her as a whole

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つづく | to be continued

𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now