5. Are you the hunter, or the prey?

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In a situation like this, any normal person would've felt the daunting pressure. Who wouldn't have? Tens of thousands of pairs eyes looking down on you, expecting a show.

All of this to be a god damn bodyguard.

And yet, I didn't feel as different as usual. Not having to think about my automated breathing, or that the heart was beating every few seconds was a great sign of that. Maybe Braum's energy had merged with mines; he looked like he never had a day where he was stressed.

I took a better look around as we all walked towards the center of the stadium. Although, it was more like a gladiator pit. The ground beneath us was sandy, as the place was a perfect circle. As the last few participants walked through, the gate behind us closed shut, the imposing sound resonated through the air.

Y/N: Well, guess there's no going back.

As I focused back on my attention to the others, I realized how much Braum stood out. His large figure dawned over the rest, as he stood tall with pride. He looked mystified, as he was seemingly gazing at something, his eyebrows lifted high.

Braum: Wow, even mountains join fight!

He let out his trademark laugh, as if he could never finish a sentence without letting one out. I glanced in the direction of where his eyes were pointed at to see what he meant, when my mouth parted in confusion.

There, in plain sight, stood tall a colossal rock of sorts. Although it was clear that it was a hundred percent made of stone, its body had a resemblance of a human, albeit a wide one. It loomed atop two legs, and bore two arms, both covered with rugged spikes. What was seemingly its head jutted outwards, the main distinction being the lime-yellow light that emitted from its eyes and mouth.

Y/N: And I'm supposed to be competing with that.

I voiced my astonishment from witnessing the creature, wondering how the hell I could match that thing.

Braum: He would make great friend, no?

Just as I was about to reply, a voice seemed to tear through the atmosphere, as it seemed to come from every angle. It seemed everyone on our level was staring upwards, as I did the same. There were four incredibly large TVs that seemed to stretch for miles, as it showed a man with a microphone.

Announcer: Hello everybody! Thank you so much for waiting! We are all here for one thing and one thing only. To see which one of these contestants are worthy of being bodyguards for our very own K/DA!

As if perfectly timed, the crowd cheered in jubilation, the roar for them was quite literally shaking the ground beneath us.

Announcer: Now, before we begin, lets hear it for our very own, K/DA!

The crowd screamed again, even louder this time. It was at this moment that I realized what I was getting into. It was less panic and more worry, as my mind seemed to imagine all the scenarios I would be putting myself if I were to work for this group. I knew the idol industry since I enjoyed the music; it can rear its nasty head, real quick.

In the distant, four figures stood up from their...thrones? They all seemed to wear the same outfit they had in the flyer; the ones they wore in their music video for POP/STARS. Even far away, it was apparent who was who, as they started to wave to the crowd.

Announcer: Now, this event came up in a flash. Therefore many of us probably have no idea what's about to happen, right?!

The crowd cheered in agreement as I raised an eyebrow. Uncle Rico had said that there would be a series of tests, but that could have meant anything.

Operation: Bodyguards (K/DA x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang