2. The Perfect Job

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Shitty ass Piltoverian drivers are gonna be the death of me.

After making sure no more idiots were running a red light, I jogged across the the street as I turned my head back and forth, phone in hand. The cafe Uncle Rico texted me was on the corner of a building, as I entered inside.

The place was jam packed with people of all genders and races, the thing tying them all together was the fact they all donned suits and ties. This was the rich side of town, after all.

Uncle Rico: Kid!

I turned my head to the left as I saw him waving me down, already sitting at a table. He had a giant smile, which I reciprocated as I walked up to him. He stood up and gave me a handshake.

Uncle Rico: Y/N! Good to see that you're standing and walking again, huh.

He wasn't the biggest of men, but he always had an iron grip. Like everyone else inside the cafe, he wore a suit that fit him perfectly, though his was a navy blue. He kept his hair neat and tidy, his square face still as apparent as ever. Aaron always joked that he looked exactly like a LEGO character, not that either of dared to mention that to Uncle Rico.

Y/N: You say that like I was paralyzed from the waist down.

After I finish my sentence, a waiter came and asked for our order. I ordered a latte, to which she nodded and left us to our own accord.

The last time the both of us saw each other was after my incident, when he and Aaron came to visit while I was still admitted at the hospital. I enjoyed their company during my stay the most. At least they still treated me like a normal human, and not someone who was going to die in a week. The pity talk everyone else gave me drove me insane.

Uncle Rico: Well, you looked like you were dead inside. Was worried you'd stay stuck holed up in your house. Glad that's not the case.

I nodded in agreement, but I let out a sigh, staring down the table in front of us.

He let out a cough before continuing on with his words.

Uncle Rico: Anyways, you've been unemployed since you were admitted to the hospital, right?

I nodded again, as I looked up into his eyes, my fingers tapping against the table. I swallowed the air, feeling my mouth get dry like how it was this morning. I already knew where this conversation was gonna head to, and I was gonna hate it.

Y/N: Yea, after they cleared me, I headed straight to the enforcers and quit. Ever since than...

I simply shrugged my shoulders as the waiter came back with my latte. I gave her a quick thank you before returning my gaze onto Uncle Rico. He rested his elbows on the table, his hands curled together, his chin being held up both his thumbs.

Uncle Rico: You know, I was surprised. Frankly, with the way you talked about your passions, I woulda thought you'd be a fish wrangler or something by now. But enforcer? You shoulda seen how confused I looked when Aaron broke the news.

I took a sip of my latte before staring into it, gripping the handle. I turned my attention out the glass wall, watching the passerby's walk to all their destinations.

Y/N: Unfortunately, freshmen me was a complete and utter dumbass, who decides to change his major once he sees 'Calculus' as one of the courses he has to take.

I sunk my head into the booth, as I stared into the ceiling. It was a regret that bore into me even now. Marine Biology was always my passion, ever since I was a little kid. Hell, my entire power is warped around it. But no, being spiteful against the very concept of fucking math was more important. I groaned as I looked back towards his way.

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