Do you feel the same? - Hyunchan

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What if Hyunjin catches feelings for Chan after a silly game at a show?


I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I could't stop thinking about what happened today.


Together we arrived at a huge building. We headed inside because we were guests of a TV-Show. Arrived at the filmset, the host of this show welcomed us. He gave us some information before he started the show.

At the beginning everything went well, we talked a lot, answered questions about our new album and danced to our new song. After that, we headed back to our seats and the host announced that we were playing a game now. The Pepero Game. I had a bad feeling about it but I tried to stay positive.

Chan was my partner for this game. One of us had to hold a chocolate stick between his teeth, while the other one tried to eat as much as possible. I was the one who had to hold the chocolate stick. My palms got cold and sweaty, caused by my excitement.

Chan stood in front of me and smiled innocently. Then he started to eat the stick, bite for bite his face got closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my cheek.  Goosebumps started running through my whole body immediately . I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to freak out.

He slowed down his pace and I could feel his bottom lip on mine

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He slowed down his pace and I could feel his bottom lip on mine. My heart stopped for a second, I was focused on the tingling feeling on my lip. I blended everything else out, the cameras, the host and our laughing members. Chan nearly ate the entire stick until he almost reached my teeth. When he pulled back, I opened my eyes slowly.

As soon as I realised that I was starring, I blinked a few more times and hurried back to my seat. The other members did the same as Chan and me but nobody touched their faces. The show was almost over, so I tried not to get that much attention. I just sat there with my pokerface.


I scrolled trough Social Media until I saw the scene with Chan and me. As I saw the close-up scene of our lips, I could feel his lips on mine. My fingertips touched my bottom lip where Chan's lip had touched mine.

My thoughts were driving me crazy, was this normal? I wanted to feel his lips so bad. Wait a minute! I don't even know if Chan feels the same way like me. Should I ask him? My heart was fighting with my mind, I was afraid of loosing him as my friend and as my safe place. What if he kicks me out of the group? He wouldn't do that, would he?

My heart told me to tell him about my feelings, it didn't feel right to not tell him the truth.

I got up from my bed and headed to Chan's room. I hoped that Seungmin, his roommate, was not there and I could talk to him alone. I took a deep breath before I knocked quietly at his door. "Come in, it's open," I heard Chan's voice from the inside.

I opened the door while asking, "Channie? Do you have some time for me?" "Of course Hyung. Is something wrong? Tell me, what's bothering you in the middle of the night?" As soon as I got in, I closed the door behind me. I looked around his room, Chan was sitting on his bed with his computer.

I just stood there and forgot how to move or speak for a second. Chan noticed that I felt insecure, so he patted on his bed, signalling me to sit down next to him. Slowly, I walked up to him and sat down on his bed. I couldn't even look him in the eyes, I just looked down on my hands.

"Wanna tell me what's bothering you, Jinnie?" he asked calmly and put his hand on my shoulder. I stayed silent for a few more seconds until I took a deep breath and looked into Chan's eyes. "I don't know how to begin... today something happened at the show... and I... just can't find the right words now," I stuttered.

At first Chan seemed confused but his facial expression changed, "Jinnie, you did very well today. Your dance was impressive as always and your answers at the interview were also fine." Chan looked at me, waiting for my reaction. I just smiled a little and shook my head "Thank you Channie but I wanted to talk about something else."

Chan stared at me. I thought he was running trough his memories of the day. After an uncomfortable silence, I could see in his eyes that he was realising what I had meant. "You meant the game, didn't you?" Chan asked straightforwardly. I nodded. "I am really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I promise you, this will never happen aga-," he said in a guilty voice but I interrupted him.

"Please stop apologising. It didn't make me feel uncomfortable, it was quite the opposite. I can't describe this feeling. What if I tell you that I am hoping this will happen again?" I asked with more confidence in my voice.

Chan looked at me with a shocked and surprised expression. Then he looked down on his hands and I could see his ears getting red. He looked up, our eyes met once again. I felt unsure what to say when Chan moved his face to my ear and whispered "What if I am thinking the same?"

My heartbeat got faster and I hoped Chan wouldn't notice. "Wanna do it again, Jinnie?" his whispering caused goosebumps rushing through my body. I wanted so bad feel Chan's lips on mine but I couldn't say anything. He looked deeply in my eyes, trying to read my mind. I blinked slowly.

His hand moved to my neck, pulling me into a light kiss. I closed my eyes immediately and just felt him moving his lips slowly. I began kissing him back and my hand ran trough his blonde curls. After a few seconds I pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. But I wanted more of his lips, I was addicted to them.


Chan pushed Hyunjin on his bed and began kissing him again, this time the kiss was filled with more passion. Hyunjin was surprised by the sudden action but he didn't care that much. Soon their breaths and lips synchronised.

Both started exploring each other's body with their hands, Hyunjins hands were on Chan's abs while Chan's hands were running over Hyunjins slim body.

Hyunjin was about to pull off Chan's shirt, when they heard a knock at the door. "Chan? Are you there, I heard some scary noises," we heard Jeongin saying in a whining voice. Both looked at each other, not knowing what they should answer. Chan sat up and Hyunjin hid himself under his blanket.

"I didn't hear anything, Innie. Everything is alright, just go to sleep again," Chan answered him. Jeongin yawned and just answered, "Okay Hyung. Good night." Both of them stayed silent until Jeongin was gone. When they heard that Jeongin's door was closed, Chan exhaled a sigh of relief. „Jinnie, you can come out, he is gone," Chan whispered calmly.

Hyunjin sat up with a tight grip on Chan's blanket. His hair was a complete mess which made Chan chuckle. Chan put both of his hands on Hyunjins cheeks and gave him a kiss on his forehead. This made Hyunjin feel safe and loved, so he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"I wish this would never end and the time would stop but that's impossible, Jinnie. Seungmin will come back soon and i guess... it's still too early to tell the other members. It's also pretty late and you should go and get some sleep," Chan said and stroked Hyunjin's hair. He pouted, "Really Channie?" "Ow Jinnie, don't be sad. This wasn't the last time, I promise," Chan gave him another kiss on his forehead.

Hyunjin smirked and gave Chan a small peck on his lips, "Hopefully" This was the last thing he said before Hyunjin left his room.

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