36 ~ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆

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When she left for college, I was devastated. She only came back on weekends, and weekends weren't enough. When she gave up on it and quit, I was angry that she had given up. But I quickly fell in love with the fact that she was here everyday. I want her with me all the time.

— Amber, how are you doing in high school? — my aunt asked me the same fucking question as always

— Great. I have high grades, people are cool.

I have my own group. Still the same people. Me, Liv, Chad and Mindy. Mindy, who I still haven't broken up with. I wanted to, but Jill said I can't. Then people might suspect us. But when I have a girlfriend, no one will even think that I have a relationship with Jill. She really wants to hide it. Nobody knows except us. Even Sam.

— You used to have better grades — my mother interjected

— Yeah but high school is harder than middle school. I went from A to B, it's not a bad result.

— Not the best either.

— Don't be so hard on her — Kate said and smiled to me — She has a girlfriend, she's probably on her mind all the time so it's hard to concentrate, right Amber?

Jill suddenly pushed her plate away and stood up from the table.

— I'm going to the toilet, I'll be back soon.

— When I fell in love with Blake, I didn't think about anything else... — aunt continues but I'm not listening anymore

I looked at Jill but she didn't look at me. I don't know if this is a sign that I should go with her or if she really has to go. Sometimes we do that. When we are among people, we go out separately to spend some time together.

She left the room and I went back to eating. I'll wait a while and go to her. The only advantage of this shared dinner is the sushi. I love it. I could eat this every day.

— I'm hot, I'm going to borrow a t-shirt — I said and got up from the table

I quickly went upstairs to her room and heard water running in the bathroom. I closed the door to the corridor and went further into the room.

I sat on the bed to wait for the girl. I pulled out my phone and started a conversation with Mindy. She asked earlier how the dinner was going. I have to answer, I can't ignore her.

me: nice they ordered sushi
me: wyd?

I feel really bad about cheating on her. I don't want to lie, because I like her. We're friends since we were nine. Of course I don't want to hurt her. But Jill won't let me tell her the truth. I have to lie to everyone, because of our love.

I heard a grunt. One and then another. Fuck, not again. I quickly put the phone in my pocket and got to the door.

— Jill — I said and I knocked on them

— Fuck off — she said harshly

No. No. No.

— Please stop. Jill, open the door.

— Leave.

— No. You don't have to do that.

— I have to.

— Let me in! — I begged

It's quiet. I lean my head against the door and I want to cry. I hate it when she does this. She told me she stopped. She ate properly. She assured me that she didn't have to vomit anymore, that she doesn't want to.

— Let me in — I repeated

I heard her flush it down and I felt tears falling. She opened the door for me and I went inside. She ignored my presence and put toothpaste on her toothbrush.

Last Friday Night ~ tamberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora