"You're gonna wear it tonight, our place" The blonde and I both began to quietly laugh at the look of realization on Bella's face. "Jaz, she's about to say no" I nudged the boy's shoulder, while he was already focusing on getting her to love the idea of a party for her.

"Come on, pleasee? It'll be fun" The brunette sighed, giving in due to a little of my brother's help. "Okay, all right" I smirked when Alice let out a squeal of joy, knowing it was against the humans will. "Great. Okay, I'll see you at seven" She turned around and hopped back to us, allowing me to slip my hand around her waist.

"Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing" Bella marked once she figured it out, annoyed that it was too late to say no to Alice now. "Sorry, Bella" He started when we all laughed, "Happy.. nevermind"


"Okay, make sure to set the cake on the table while I get Edward and Bella" Alice has been ordering us around for hours now, making sure everything for Bella's party was perfect. "Who's gonna eat that?" I asked, genuinely curious, because all I know of is that we spend five hours making this God damn cake- what a waste of food. And time.

I groaned, helping Carlisle and his wife who were both grinning carry the cake. "She doesn't even want this" I mumbled, wiping my hands on the dress Alice forced me into. "Well she didn't hesitate to say yes" Jasper and I broke out in laughter, before we got interrupted by the pixie bringing in the birthday girl.

She held her usual awkward smile as she walked down the steps, followed by her boyfriend. "Sorry about all this" Carlisle moved to her, offering her a kind smile as he took her hands in his. "We tried to rein Alice in" He stated with a teasing sigh, glaring at his overjoyed daughter. "As if that were even possible" His wife joined him, wrapping Bella in a hug. "Happy birthday Bella"

I smirked at my girlfriend, taking her in my arms, "But she sure is veryy stubborn" I mumbled, making her laugh before picking up Bella's new camera. "I found it in your bag, you mind?" She asked in an apologetic voice after the brunette saw that she had used it for a picture, even though Alice does indeed not care about Bella's response.

"Dating an older woman, hot" Emmett turned to his brother smirking, yet receiving not the giggles he had expected. To his luck, Alice cut the silence off before it could get any more awkward than it already was.

"You first" She handed Rosalie the gift that was supposed to be from her, who just held it out to Bella, no sign of wanting to gift her anything.

"It's a necklace, Alice picked it out" She said to the girl who was thanking her. "One way to ruin a surprise" I whispered to Emmett who laughed, shutting up when his wife glared at us.

"Show me the love" Alice grinned when Edward scooted closer to his girlfriend, smiling slightly as the pixie took a picture of them. She was quick to pick up another present, handing it to her. "This one's from Emmett" Rosalie rolled her eyes at her husband, annoyed that he was actually happy to gift the human.

"Already installed it in your truck" He grinned proudly, "Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-"

"Hey don't- don't hate the truck" Bella cut him off, having him and my girlfriend giggle. "Open Esme and Carlisle's" She went on, collecting her parents gift from the table as well. Bella had a smile on her face as the blonde spoke up. "Just a little something to brighten your day"

"Yes you've been looking kind of pale lately" She joked, although she sure spoke the truth. The human laughed along with her, proceeding to remove the wrapper meanwhile. "Ow"

The sound she made left her mouth, as soon as the smell of fresh blood did. "Paper cut" She shrugged it off, not wishing to make a big deal out of it.

My face stiffens once the smell of her blood hit me, the red substance dripping onto the carpet. Edward's eyes met those of his brother's, as he was already running up to the girl, causing the protective vampire to throw her into a glass table, not even being aware of what he had done.

A stronger smell now coming from the bleeding human as I tried my very best to remain calm. Edward pushed Jasper into the piano so the other two males could hold him back. As soon as they had a grip on him, Alice came and held his face in comfort. "Jaz, Jaz it's okay, it's just a little.. blood" Her soft voice trailed off while she slowly turned around, catching sight of Bella's arm covered in her own blood.

Everybody looked at the hurting brunette in shock and fear they would hurt her. "Get Jasper out of here" Carlisle spoke calmly as he came closer to the girl, his hand covered in blood once he touched her.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't" Alice apologized sadly, about to go with them, when she stopped and turned around. "It's okay Nila, come with me" Her soft eyes gazed at me as she walked over to my shaking figure, backed up against the wall, staring into nothingness. She soon noticed that I wasn't able to answer, so she took my hand in hers and lead me out.

Once outside we saw Emmett trying to talk to his brother, but just like myself he wouldn't bother to respond. "Are you okay Jaz?" Alice asked when we were close enough. His eyes turned to look at her, than at me before he looked at the ground again.

I let go of my girlfriend's hand and walked over to him, hugging him as we sat together on the stairs. No words were exchanged because we both were struggling over the same thing, it was just something so comforting about that.


Word count: 1580

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