Leeseo's breaths came in short gasps, her panic escalating. 

Leeseo: We have to do something! We can't just stay here!

I tried to reason with Seeun's stepfather, my voice shaking. 

Me: Please, let them go. We won't involve the police, just tell us where they are.

His deranged laughter filled the room again. 

Him: You think you have a choice? They're where they belong, and you'll never find them.

Desperation clawed at us as we searched for any possible means of escape. Every locked door and window felt like a barrier to their safety.

Isa's voice turned steely with determination. 

Isa: We need to overpower him. Together, we can take him down.

But before we could even plan our move, footsteps approached from behind, signalling more unwelcome company. We turned to see a group of individuals entering the room, blocking any possible exit.

It was a terrifying realization that we were outnumbered and outmatched. The situation had escalated far beyond our control.

Seeun's stepfather's grin widened as he gestured to the newcomers. 

Him: Meet my associates. You won't be leaving here anytime soon.

Fear surged through us as the gravity of the situation settled in. Our attempts to find Y/n and Seeun had led us straight into a dangerous trap.

As the seconds ticked by, hope felt like a distant memory. The uncertain fate of Y/n and Seeun weighed heavily upon us, surrounded by adversaries with seemingly no way out.

Yoon's expertise in martial arts brought a flicker of hope amidst the chaos. With precise movements and calculated strikes, he attempted to fend off Seeun's stepfather's associates. His swift and well-executed manoeuvres showcased his skill, but the sheer number of adversaries overwhelmed our efforts.

Despite Yoon's valiant attempts, the odds were stacked against us. The assailants coordinated their attacks, making it nearly impossible to break through their defences. Each move to gain ground was met with a swift counterattack, pushing us further into a corner.

J and Sumin joined the fray, their determination matching Yoon's. We fought with everything we had, a desperate attempt to create an opening, a chance to break free from the suffocating grip of our captors.

But as moments passed, it became evident that our struggle was futile. The adversaries were too well-trained and too organized. Their relentless assault left us reeling, each of us sustaining injuries amidst the chaotic skirmish.

Leeseo, who had been trying to find an opening to escape, turned back to us with fear in her eyes. 

Leeseo: We have to do something! We can't just—

Her words were cut short as one of the assailants grabbed her, restraining her movements. Our attempts at resistance only seemed to escalate the violence, leaving us more vulnerable.

Seeun's stepfather watched with a chilling calmness, revelling in the chaos. 

Him: You thought you could interfere? Pathetic.

The situation had turned dire, with our efforts to resist proving ineffective. We were trapped, outnumbered, and outmatched, our hopes of saving Y/n and Seeun dwindling with each passing moment.

Amid the chaos, a sense of helplessness settled over us. We were at the mercy of those who held Y/n and Seeun captive, our safety hanging by a thread.

As the struggle continued, a sense of desperation took hold. The only thoughts that occupied our minds were of Y/n and Seeun, their safety and well-being paramount amidst the looming threat that surrounded us.

The sense of defeat hung heavy in the air as the assailants, having subdued our resistance, bound us with ropes. Each of us, Sumin, Sieun, Isa, J, Yoon, and Leeseo, found ourselves tightly restrained, our movements restricted and our hope dimmed.

Our captors worked efficiently, their actions methodical and devoid of empathy. The ropes cut into our skin, a painful reminder of our failed attempt to rescue Y/n and Seeun.

Seeun's stepfather sauntered closer, a twisted grin etched on his face as he looked upon us, the prisoners of his malevolent scheme. 

Him: You all thought you could play heroes, but look where it's gotten you.

His words dripped with contempt, a mockery of our efforts to intervene. There was a sense of powerlessness, an agonizing realization that we were at the mercy of someone who had no qualms about causing harm.

Leeseo struggled against her restraints, her eyes filled with tears of frustration and fear. 

Leeseo: Please, just let us go. We won't tell anyone. Just tell us where they are.

His laughter echoed in the room, cold and unforgiving. 

Him: You're all far too late. And as for you.

He sneered, gesturing towards us.

Him: you'll serve as a fine deterrent for anyone else foolish enough to cross me.

The chilling finality in his words sent a shiver down our spines. We were helpless, our attempts to save them leading us into a nightmare with no apparent escape.

As we lay bound and trapped, the uncertainty of Y/n and Seeun's fate weighed heavily on our minds. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, our thoughts consumed by worry and a desperate hope for their safety.


??? POV

Finally, after 2 days of tour, we finally had a rest for a week. I was so excited same as my members. I opened my phone and tried to find someone who can spend time with me for an entire week.


Y/n L/n.

See you soon. We're gonna have so much fun together...


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