Chapter 13

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Sieun's POV 

The house seemed to hold its breath as we split up, each taking a path to search for any sign of Y/n or Seeun.

J disappeared down a hallway, her steps measured yet swift, determination etched on her face. Sumin went towards the stairs, her gaze darting around as she ascended, her determination mirroring J's.

Leeseo hesitated for a moment, torn between staying close and venturing into the unknown. Her concern for her brother battled with her fear of what we might uncover. Finally, she chose to follow Sumin, her steps cautious yet resolute.

I found myself drawn to the rooms on the ground floor, my heart pounding with each step I took. Every corner held the potential for a revelation, a clue that could lead us to Y/n and Seeun.

The house exuded an eerie stillness, the silence broken only by the sound of our hurried footsteps and the occasional creak of the ageing floorboards. The air felt heavy, charged with anticipation and uncertainty.

My breath caught as I entered what seemed like a study, the faint glow of a desk lamp casting elongated shadows across the room. Papers lay scattered on the desk, an open notebook revealing hastily scribbled notes. It seemed like someone had been here recently.

The sinking feeling in my chest intensified. Was it Seeun or Y/n? The thought of either of them being in this place, possibly alone and in trouble, sent shivers down my spine.

I scanned the room, searching for any clue that could guide us. My gaze fell upon a picture frame resting facedown on the desk. With trembling hands, I turned it over, revealing a picture of Seeun and Y/n, smiling, their arms wrapped around each other. It was a poignant reminder of the bond between them.

The urgency to find them surged within me, the image fueling my determination. I hurried out of the room, calling out to the others, hoping they had found something, anything that could lead us to Y/n and Seeun.

As we regrouped in the hallway, the tension in the air was palpable. J's expression was taut with worry, Sumin's eyes flickered with a mix of determination and concern, while Leeseo seemed on the verge of panic.

J: We need to cover more ground. Check every room, every corner. They might be here somewhere.

Her voice strained but resolute.

We split up again, this time branching into different sections of the house, each of us methodically searching through rooms, closets, and any place that could conceal a clue.

My heart raced as I pushed open a door, revealing a dimly lit bedroom. The sight that greeted me made my blood run cold. The room seemed ransacked, furniture overturned, drawers pulled out. It was clear that someone had been here, but whether it was Y/n, Seeun, or someone else remained a mystery.

Frustration and worry knotted in my stomach. Where could they be? We couldn't afford to waste another moment.

As we reconvened, the sense of urgency hung thick in the air. Time was slipping away, and the weight of uncertainty bore down on us. The fear of the unknown, coupled with our determination to find Y/n and Seeun, fueled our relentless search.

The chilling realization that Seeun's stepfather had Y/n and Seeun captive sent a wave of dread through us. His maniacal laughter echoed in the confines of the room, sending shivers down our spines.

Yoon: We need to find a way out of here.

Her voice urgent, eyes darting around the room, seeking an escape route.

Sumin scanned the windows and doors, her hands futilely trying to unlock them. 

Sumin: They're all locked. There has to be another way out.

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