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"No Jason!" I whimpered finally free from his grip .

"Please!" I begged and he looked down at me with a tilted head.

"As much as I enjoy hearing you beg me kitten ,save it for later. You're gonna need it." He said leaving me petrified as he made his way to the others.

The nurse came back in .

"Call the police." Caroline told her as Harry was holding her arms behind her back.

Harry scoffed and Jason rolled his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." the nurse said with guilt.

"It's alright Sylvia they won't care in heaven." Jason threw as he was opening the cabinets searching for something.

"Jason." I begged with my voice braking as the girls paled.

"Why aren't you helping us!?" Caroline yelled at the nurse.

"Blondie. This school is controlled by Jason." Harry informed her and we all looked at each other.

"If you wanna blame anyone. Blame your parents." He added and I took a step back feeling light headed.

The girls had terror on their faces and Victoria was already crying.

"Zayn." Jason spoke as he was unpacking something.

Zayn who was holding Victoria took whatever Jason gave him and then he threw one at Harry as well.

"Jason,please-" I tried once again hoping that I could change his mind.

"Ariana." He cut me off , finally acknowledging me and turning to me.

"If I hear your voice one more time I'm gonna cut Carolines tongue before I kill her .Do not speak unless I give you permission. Am I clear?"

"Please do." Harry commented .

Jason leaned down to be eye level with me and I immediately nodded.

"Good girl." He praised me before turning to the guys.

"Insert." Jason said without even looking at them as he was busy throwing away the package he opened.

Zayn and Harry inserted some kind of syringe in the girls necks and I gasped as they lost consciousness.

Jason looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I didn't dare to speak. Only shivered in silence.

"Let's go." He said and he grabbed me by the shirt pulling me in front of him.

The guys took the girls and we were out.

I looked one more time back at the nurse hoping she would do something but she was just crying.

Jason noticed and he chuckled.

We got in the cars and I was alone with Jason while Zayn went with Harry.

I wiped my tears sniffing as he begun the engine and got out of the schools parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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