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«What?» I questioned and he leaned back in his chair,visibly enjoying every second of it.

«You belong to him. For real. It's done. You can't do anything about it.» Harry clarified for me with a smirk on his face and I couldn't of seem to be able to wrap my head around this.

«B-But..» I stuttered with my eyes on the cake.

«B-But.» Harry mimicked me chucking with Jason and I felt my eyes tear up.

«Stop it.» Zayn spat at Harry and Jasons chuckle died down as his eyes averted to Zayn.

My heart dropped at the sight of him. The look in his eyes was not one to play with.

«What's the matter Zayn?» Jason asked with raised brows daring him and Zayn probably regretted standing up for me.

«It's not cool mate. She's obviously not okay..it's a lot for her.» Zayn murmured but his eyes were not in line with Jasons, instead he was staring at me.

I looked at Jason trembling and Jasons tongue brushed the insight of his cheek, a thing he does when his angry.

Jason turned the cake swiftly so the letters where correct by Zayns view.

«You might wanna read the cake again.. mate.» Jason calmly but possessively advised Zayn who was sitting there mute.

«She's mine. I'll decide if it's cool or if it's not.» he decently threatened him.

Zayn raised his arms surrendering and then he grabbed his cigarettes and stood up.

«I'm going out for a smoke.» he informed in a barely audible voice and he was gone.

Both pairs of eyes where again on me. I gulped as my whole life passed through my mind. Jasons eyes now seem scarier than before, his whole existence scares me more than before, if that's even possible.

All this time I looked at him and I was imagining the day that I'll be free from his hold, but now? What am I supposed to look forward now? What's supposed to keep me sane?

His thumb wiped a silent tear from my wet cheek and our eyes met as he leaned forward. His dominant eyes where burning down my weak ones.

«It might take you some time to adjust but..we have all the time in the world.» he whispered, not failing to send chills down my body.

«What does that mean for me? What does..what does this make my life?» I questioned, trying my best to find a positive outcome for me in this situation.

«This, makes your life , mine.» he clarified for me and I felt like I was gonna puke from all the negative emotions.

«J-Jason..» I said and I put my hand over my mouth.

«Can I use the bathroom?» I questioned in distress even tho all I wanted to do was run to it.

He moved away, making space for me to leave my sit and I bolted to the bathroom. I got in and kneeled over the sit. I coughed but nothing really came up. It's all from the fear.

I backed away and leaned my back on the wall as I bursted in tears.

Oh god. My life is over.

The door opened and Jason came in. His eyes fell on me and swear his expression tweaked with sympathy but it was back to normal in seconds.

He crouched down so we could be face to face and he set his elbows on his knees to hold his body.

«I'm scared.» I admitted to him.

At the end of the day he's the only one I have might as well be honest.

«I know.» he answered and pet my hair.

Our eyes met through my blurry ones and he sighed. He pulled me in a hug and kept petting my head until I was a bit calmer.

«What's gonna happen to me Jason?» I questioned starting at the tiles.

«If you behave and do as I say, nothing is gonna happen to you.» he said with a sigh and I raised my eyes.

His where already looking down at me. His jawline is  so sharp. The way his lips come together in a heart shape. His eyes where their original hazel color instead of that dark brown they get when his mad.

A smile tagged at his lips.

I immediately averted my eyes elsewhere as I realized I got caught and I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment.

He chuckled.

He leaned down and his lips found their way to my neck. He started kissing me and I wiggled a bit trying to separate us but his hold on me only got tighter.

«J-Jason I have to pee.» I lied and he rolled his eyes.

«Sure you do.» he murmured but let go of me and we stood up.

«Don't worry baby girl, we have all our lives in front of us and I can do this.» he said as he bit my neck and I morphed in pain.

«And this.» he said and without a warning slid his hand through my leggings and squeezed my but.

A yelp of pain escaped my lips and I pushed him away from me. Feeling the tears blur my eyes once more.

«Just a reminder.» he said and turned around ready to leave.

«You have 1 minute.» he informed me and he was out.

I looked at my self in the mirror and I looked completely pathetic. Puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks, messy hair, my breaths short and fast.

I can't deal with this forever.

I opened the door and he was no where to be seen. At the end of the hallway it was an emergency exit door.

Well if escaping Jason McCann after he claimed your life isn't emergency then I don't know what is.

I walked fast with my head down to the door and without second thoughts I pushed it open. The door shut with a loud thud behind me but what stopped me was Zayn who was right in front of me.

Our eyes where starting at each other so intensely. I could basically hear my heart thumbing in my chest. Every cell of my body was trembling.

After what seemed like an eternity, he let his cigarette fall on the floor and stepped aside.

I was in shock. Did he just..help me?

«Run.» was all he said and I didn't need more.

I bolted away not even looking back once.

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