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Disha was sitting down at the dinner table and then she looked at the time. It was past ten that night. He was not back from work. He told her that he would when she was leaving the hospital. But now he wasn't back. She knew he was angry at her because of her refusal to move in with him right after she had agreed. But she needed time to decide that is one thing he is not willing to give her at all.

So now she is stuck here waiting on him. She opened the tracking app on her phone. The one she was forced to install because of his wayward ways. Valentino had an odd habit of disappearing on her. And she had certainly no intentions of trying to find him always. She was tired of babysitting him. He was certainly behaving like a big baby.

Disha started to go through his location and the last thing she expected was to find him in a restaurant or a bar. But he was there where she wasn't expecting to see him at all. "How do you always manage to disappoint me, Val? I wonder if you do this on purpose." She said locking the phone and preparing herself to spend another cold night in the bed alone.

"All I did was disagree with you once and you had decided that it was alright for you to do this with me? How can you be so cruel to me Val?" Disha asked and there she got no answer once again. She took her keys and walked towards the exit. And then she drove towards the place where it was pointed on the map.

"One more round," Valentino said looking at the woman next to him. "No more, Niko, you have drunk past your limitation." He laughed. "And what it shall be?" He asked. "The woman with beautiful features in his arms leaned closer and whispered, "How would you know what you did to me after you took me home?" He laughed more. "Jackie, you are hopeful. But that is awful. To have such hope and let it die."

"You called me, not the other way around Niko. I shall let you know this. I wasn't the one who wanted your company. It was all you. Perhaps you got tired of your little companion." "Wife, she is my wife. Not a companion. You are wrong, not my companion, never." "So, I should have anticipated, not even good for a companion anymore." He looked up to see her eyes, the beautiful hazel ones. But now it was full of accusations.

He tried to get up but fell back over his seat. Back in Jackie's arms. "I am not..." He begins to say but his words are slurred. "I am sorry, but if you cannot see it clearly then, you shall now." Disha was still looking at him waiting for something to happen. But then nothing did. "Are you shameless enough to stand here and watch lovers in private moments? He doesn't want you. You think just because he is sleeping with you, you will be needed by him for that. Wake up, he has better things to do."

Disha turned around and ran out. She trying to keep her tears at bay. As soon as she was home and inside her bedroom, it broke her. She was alone, and she let him creep up to her like this. And then he broke her to pieces. How could he be such a fool? How could she trust a playboy?

Then her phone rang and she picked it up. "I told you haven't I? he is not what you think? It was not to be trusted? Now you are alone, and no one to hold your hand." The voice said to her. "What do you want from me?" Disha shouted. "Only to offer you salvation. Only to offer you a way out." The voice said again. Disha cut the call and threw her phone against the wall. It broke as it fell to the ground. Broken beyond repair just like she was. Then she curled up in her bed and cried her heart out.

When Disha woke up the next day she felt tired. And her head hurt too much to focus on anything. Then she heard the pounding on the door. She opened it. And Christopher came inside looking devastated. Something told her it was trouble. That something was very wrong about it.

"Is he here with you?" He asked Disha. "Who?" Disha asked. "Valentino, who else? We have not been able to find him since last night. He didn't return home. He was supposed to. So we thought he might be with you." "Why?" Disha asked Christopher. "Why do you make such a claim?" Christopher was surprised she was asking this question. "Because you are someone he loves with all" "I am not the one and only. He could be with anyone now. Have you checked the app that Eros had made us put on our phones because our lives are full of uncertain conditions?" Disha asked.

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