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Disha was waiting for Eros to finish his call. He was on it for the past half an hour. "That's great," Said he to the person on the other end of the line. "I cannot wait to see the progress you have made. So, we shall meet soon and I will analyze everything personally." Eros put the phone down and then looked at her.

"I don't know how you do it Miss Seth, but you keep finding your way back to me again and again. And I often wonder if you are only making excuses to see me." Disha smirked. "You wished that to be true Ramon De La Cruz. You wish but you know it isn't. I am only here for a favor. Which I will repay you with my work later." Eros laughed. "Don't tell me, Woodland knocked you up and now you are not sure if you wish to keep the spawn. So, you are here to get my help to decide."

Disha shook her head from side to side. "Do not be ridiculous, do I look this naïve to you? I am aware of the risks." Eros placed his finger over his chin. "Are you though, Miss Seth? The risk goes beyond the bodily harm. Sometimes it can harm your soul, taint it and your heart, and smash it badly. Are you ready to go through that much harm only for a man?"

"If I love that man, I would go to the moon and back for him. If I love that man, there is no place in this realm or next, where I would not sacrifice myself for him. If I love that man, in this world or any other, I would forever be there with him. And most important of all, I would not let anything happen to him ever." Disha told Eros. He clapped his hands.

"Bravo! That is one hell of a speech you have given Miss Seth. But do you, in your heart truly believe that it is something that can save him? Is it not why you are here? Something related to Valentino Woodland? It is always related to him, isn't it? So tell me, what is it this time?" Eros asked.

"One and the same, the calls from an unknown number. She is giving me a ticket, a solution to leave all behind and start a new one. I can have everything I wish to. But to have that, I have to let go of Valentino and my family. I did not like how she was acting. She wanted to do something bad to all of them. I cannot stand it. I cannot stand doing nothing." Disha said looking at him.

"You wish for me to track that number. Find out information about the person, isn't it? And then what?" He asked. "I will tell Chris, he would know what to do." Eros nodded. "A word of advice, make sure not to start any conflict in between those two brothers. Their relationship is very fragile and any little commotion will ruin it all together." Eros told her in an ominous voice. He knew something about them, something she didn't yet.

"What do you mean Eros?" She asked. "You love that fool Valentino and I am not the one to tell you to back off, but as I know you and somewhere I care about you very deeply, I would like you to stay alert about Valentino and Christopher. Christopher hates me, yes, but Valentino's resentment about Christopher is on another plane of existence. Something you will not understand. None of us can." She was curious now. What could be the reason for this conflict between the two of them? She wondered.

Disha had left Eros's office. She was still in deep thought. Her phone rang and she almost dropped it in shock. It rang again and before she could pick it up, it got switched off. She realized that she had forgotten to charge her phone. How could she do it? How could she forget to charge her phone?

She is getting awfully forgetful these days.

Disha put her phone on charge while she rushed towards the hospital. And nothing was right here at all. As soon as she had entered the hospital she could see everyone was rushing and running around. No one had done it in a while now. Not since Christopher had become his most tamed version.

Could it be Valentino?

She quickly made her way towards his cabin and before she could knock she heard the shouting. She realized the cause, it was Valentino after all. And he is angry. She opened the cabin door, and something flew towards her making her duck. The pen stand fell down making a clanking loud noise and broke apart like everything had in that room.

Mr. Casanova (A Medical Romance Book 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora