Chapter 3: Busy Morning

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"Pssssss, rise and shine, sleepyhead," a voice whispered while you were still in a drowsy state. "I'm bored and I want to talk to you," the voice said a bit louder, making you think you were still dreaming. In an attempt to make the voice disappear, you reached your arm out and accidentally touched Lena's face. It was at that moment that you realized you weren't dreaming. Lena had been trying to wake you up for some minutes. 

"Mornin', luv," she said with a smile. "You really are a heavy sleeper." In the blink of an eye, she wasn't in front of you anymore but behind you. "Time to dress up, sleeping beauty," she said jokingly while pushing you, trying to make you stand up.

"Good morning Lena" you said with a big yawn and a sleepy voice "what time even is it?" you asked, finally standing up from Tracer pushing you from your back.

"It's quarter past seven o'clock," she answered. You had to process for a moment.

"It's so earlyyyyyy, why are you waking me up?" you said it very dramatically.

"Because I'm bored and I want to talk to you, luv" said the British.

She was so energetic already at this hour of the morning while you barely could keep your eyes open. Then you look at your bed and notice the orange blanket.

"Did you give me your blanket?" you asked surprised.

"ya' , you were shivering when I came back at night and you were sleeping on top of your blanket so I gave you mine" she said "chivalry isn't dead, see luv?" she winks at you while smiling.

"You didn't have to, Lena" you said "But thanks I very much appreciate it".

You walked to her disorganized bed and laid down the blanket, trying to make her bed.

"No problem, here to help you" she smiled and helped you do her own bed, even though she did the three corners before you could even help, she was disappearing and appearing from all sides of the bed.

"So you can teleport?" you ask intrigued.

"It's nolt like that exactly" she answer "remember in the medical room I told you I was time traveling and fading out and in" you nodded " well I can accelerate the time and decelerate at my will, so I'm here the whole time just in different times... hm I'm not sure how to explain it easily" she was thinking.

"It's okay I think I get it" you smiled, both of you had a very similar machine in the torso area , you took a glance again at it "You have to wear it always?" you ask pointing at the chrono accelerator.

"Yes, well I can remove it but if I do I can have tiny problems with time traveling, you know luv?" She looked at your eyes "Basically I become a ghost. Boooooo" said now in a funny voice "I have different versions of the accelerator just in case I want to match with the outfit" she laughed "Winston will probably create more versions of yours he already made another prototype of yours, saw him working on it".

She disappeared from where she was and appeared in front of her wardrobe opening the doors and looking at the clothes.

"Wanna go out, luv?" she smiled and you nodded "I hope my clothes fit you... let me see what I have..." she was rummaging all over the wardrobe.

As you watched Lena navigate her wardrobe, it became apparent that her approach to choosing an outfit was a bit chaotic. Clothes were being taken out and put back, some were thrown onto the bed only to be picked up again for a second inspection. It seemed like a continuous cycle of indecision, with Lena grappling between various clothing options.

The room echoed with the rustling of fabric, occasional mumbles of uncertainty escaping Lena's lips. She held different items against you, examining how they looked, seemingly lost in the internal debate of what would look good on you. It was an amusing display of a fashion dilemma, and you couldn't help but chuckle at her playful struggle to decide on the perfect ensemble for the day.

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