Chapter Two

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The next morning I was woken up at stupid o'clock by my Dexcom screaming at me that I was low, rolling over to my cart grabbing some red frogs and shoveling them into my mouth before rolling back over to try and get at least a few more hours of sleep before I had to get up and go for a surf with mum and Lols.

Finally, at around 6 am I got up and started to get ready for the surf. I made my way down to the kitchen to make myself a carby breakfast I decided on a whole bagel with cream cheese and bacon, giving myself a slightly lower dose of insulin than usual ,just to ensure I didn't go low while surfing because that would be a literal nightmare, and taking the rest of my medications before heading upstairs to fix my hair and pick some togs. I settled on a bright pink billabong bikini with a black long-sleeved rashie and put my hair into a long plait before returning downstairs and outside to grab my board and walk to the beach.

When we got to the beach I spotted a familiar face, Ruel. It honestly didn't surprise me that he surfed, what surprised me was that he made his way over to us and asked to join, mum, of course, said yes and so did Lola, she may only be 12 but she's convinced herself that he loves her as she loves him. I won't say I was against the idea but I never like being around new people, at least I had disconnected from my pump and both of my sites were hidden under my rashie. we all paddled out and waited for waves, taking turns with Lola showing off her 'tricks' before absolutely wiping out as we all laughed our heads off at her. I wasn't one for showing off especially when it comes to surfing, I didn't do it to impress anyone I do it because its part of my culture and because it makes me feel happy.

Around an hour later we all finished and headed back into the shore. "My mum probably wants me back home, I have to go to the studio and do some recording today so I should probably go, Nanea thanks for letting me surf with you, Lola, Kailani, I'll see you all later". I'm not going to lie I was kinda glad that he was leaving but I also quite liked spending time with him. When we got back to the house I went upstairs and got changed to go into the studio and dance for a while, I needed to work out my feelings and dancing and singing is how I do that. I went into the studio and put on my turners, pressing play on my playlist. Lovely by Billie Eilish played and my body started moving my emotions and feelings about my new life pouring out of me like rain from the clouds. My phone buzzed letting me know I had a new notification, I always check them in case it is a Dexcom alert but to my surprise it was someone adding me on snapchat, followed by a snap. I open the snap curious as to who it was and to my surprise it was Ruels face that came across my screen. I added him back before continuing to dance, letting the songs change and my emotions and movements with them.

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