Chapter 1

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I've lived in Sydney my whole life, but moving from the city centre to near the beach and the harbour was a change that was very much welcome. We only lived in the city because dad made us for his work but since he left mum, we're free to move anywhere we want. Of course mum chose a house near the beach it was in our blood.

When we got to the house Lola and I were in shock. We had lived in the city Lola's whole life, she'd never stayed in a house like this before and she was absolutely amazed at the fact that she would get her own massive room with a bathroom. I was also very thankful for having my own room now I mean in the city I kind of had my own space but having a loft in your little sisters room isn't exactly ideal when you bring friends over.

Making my way into the house I took in the layout, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, living room , guest bathroom and laundry downstairs with a patio and pool in the yard and 4 bedrooms upstairs all with en suites, and a room that had been converted into a dance studio for me and Lola with a little music booth in the corner for me. I finally had my own space to sing and make my music without judgement and without having mum and Lola yell at me to shut up.

My room was fairly plain, a bed in one corner just how I like it, a dresser slash makeup area, a desk, bathroom and walk in wardrobe. It wouldn't feel as empty when I was done with it. There would be posters all over the walls, pictures everywhere and of course all of my music, dance and surfing things thrown into a random spot.

2 hours later and I had unpacked all my things, wardrobe perfectly organised into colours, drawers filled with dancewear, bikinis and surf suits. The bathroom was organised with all of my makeup, skin and body care and still with room leftover. The final thing for me to do was organise my med cupboard. Ok so it's not really a cupboard anymore it's a chest of drawers, a little cart and a mini fridge, but there were lots of things to be put away. I'm a type 1 diabetic so I don't get the easy route when unpacking. I knew where everything was going to go though. All of my insulin and juice in the mini fridge along with some other low snack, my dexcom and pump sites in the top left drawer, more low snacks in the top left, skin prep, unisolve, alcohol wipes and all of my dexcom and pump stickers in the middle left, extra test strips, lancets, syringes and spare batteries and glucose meters in the middle right and all of my other things in the bottom drawer. I stocked my little cart with testing supplies and lots of low snacks.

Another hour later and it was 6 pm, almost time for dinner. Walking downstairs I called for mum, asking her what's for dinner so I can give myself the correct amount of insulin before I eat. "We're having chicken and those little potatoes that you and Lols like. There's also self saucing pudding and ice cream for dessert but I've invited the neighbours over for dessert too" she speaks in her usual calm tone. I didn't really want the neighbours to come over for dinner. I don't care if they are nice I just hate having to tell people I have diabetes every time they see my pump or my dexcom but it was too late now once mum has her mind made up there's no changing her thoughts. I went back up to my room and changed into a semi decent outfit as I was currently just wearing Nike pros and an extremely oversized shirt. I then gave myself my insulin via my pump adding a few units on for dessert too.

Dinner was nothing special but damn those little potato bites hit different. We were waiting for the pudding to finish cooking when the first ring of the doorbell sounded, I went and opened it to find a young couple with a child no older than 6, they introduced themselves as Jess, Charlie and Matilda. Matilda was absolutely adorable, I kind of hoped that there would be more around her age but the next family to arrive was a couple similar aged to my mother and 3 young adult/teenagers. The woman, Kate introduced herself, her husband Ralph, their 2 girls Silvie and Coco and their son Ruel. The girls were both absolutely stunning at least a few years older than me too. The boy looked like he could be around my age but he was quite tall which always makes it harder to guess ages. Everyone sat at the table that was ridiculously large for three people and mum introduced us "Hi I'm Nanea and these are my daughters Keilani and Lolana". Lola smiled and waved while I just kind of stood there, I was always awkward when it came to meeting new people hence I never sing out of the house. During dessert everyone talked amongst themselves when one of the girls I can't remember if it was Sylvie or Coco started talking about how she was glad to have another girl in the street, looking up I said "well it's nice to know  that someone appreciates my presence *cough* Lolana" to that she laughed and started asking about my hobbies. "Well I dance well we both do and we all surf it's quite literally in our blood so it's hard not to but that's pretty much it"
"She sings too" Lolana butted in. Both girls looked toward their brother who was much more interested in the food than what anyone was talking about, looking up he sees his sisters and just goes "what?" Still with his mouth full of pudding, his mother slaps him on the arm for that. "Ruel's a singer too. He's actually recording an album at the moment" Coco I think says. I just nodded my head along not really wanting to say that I also write songs that only my shower gets to hear.

Around an hour later it was time for everyone to go their separate ways, we all said goodbye and I could finally go up to my room for some peace and quiet.

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