Just Mistakes

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It had been forty eight hours since the accident. After the doctors had examined further into Lux's injuries, they discovered that she had suffered a broken left arm, 3 fractured ribs, mild lacerations all over her body, a gash on the side of her head which required stitches, and a grade two concussion.

For the first day, Lux's parents and Oz had stayed by her bedside until she had woken up. She had no idea where she was at first or what she was doing prior to being dumped at the hospital. It wasn't until the second day where cops came in to ask her questions, once the doctors said she was in a state to speak logically.

Voight and Wydell had no luck furthering their investigation since Lux claimed to only remember walking back home but never arriving. They asked basic questions as in having any enemies, if she remembered possibly accepting a ride from anyone like a boyfriend. All she did was answer with simple no's that gave the cops nothing to work with until a doctor intervened to say that Lux needed to rest.

The stiff hospital bed didn't do Lux's sore back any type of favors either. As soon as she'd finally start to flutter to sleep, the pain meds would wear off leaving her in torturous discomfort.

"Miss. Bautista?" A nurse knocked before walking in. "You have a visitor. Would you like me to send them in or say you need more rest?" The other nurse from that morning informed Lux that her parents and friend would be back to see her after work and school, so she was confused that a visitor showed up at this time of day. Lux accepted, just thinking it was probably Oz ditching a class period to go see her.

"It's fine."

The young woman smiled and informed the visitor that Lux was ready to speak to him.

As Lux waited in bed, she closed her eyes to ease the pain from her head due to the bright fluorescent lights in the room. She heard the door close shut and a chair get dragged closer to her bedside, and turned her neck gently to face the visitor. When she opened her eyes she quickly realized that this boy wasn't Oz or her parents. Her aching right arm slowly reached for the red call button on the side of her bed but the boy held his hand over it.

"No need for that, Lux." He chuckled. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Lux's blurry vision adjusted as she tried to focus on the person in her room. "Who are you?" She asked, her voice dry and raspy still not being able to fully make out his appearance.

"It's Tyler. But my friends call me Hook." 

Hook. Lux remembered that name. She studied the boys face. He was handsome and had messy hair that was pushed in all directions. The style seemed to look awfully familiar. He wore an expression that she could only describe as something being between a sly smirk and a scowl with the way his lips and eyebrows were pressed close together. Lux recalled seeing him the night she pretended to be drunk and overheard the conversation about Sing being a rat.

Lux nearly shot out of her bed thinking about Sing's safety. Hook must have had answers to that. "You're Shorter's friend... Where is he? And where's Sing?"

"He couldn't make it." He replied, reaching into his pocket. "As for Sing, well that's why I'm here." Hook placed a crumpled white card on the edge of the bed and pointed at it. "This look familiar to you?"

"It's mine. Where did you get that?"

Hook let his head drop and didn't want to believe the girls words. He didn't want to be responsible for two innocent people being hurt because of him. After all, he was the one driving the car that hit Lux and Sing off the road. "Are you trying to cover for Sing? Cuz if you are-"

"Why would I need to cover for him? He did nothing wrong." Lux wiped a tear away from her cut face when the realization of them being chased off the road was because of her. "You killed him... Didn't you?" She cried. "If he didn't die in the wreck then you all must have killed him. Or you're torturing him until you get bored."

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