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Spending all this time with Shorter was all Lux had wanted. Even when they weren't together he was the only thing on her mind. She couldn't help but constantly check her phone for messages and drop whatever she was doing if he wanted to call her. He was the only thing that had her full undivided attention.

"Lux." The sound of the teachers voice went unnoticed. Lux continued to type on her phone until her lab partner, a senior named Yuji, nudged her.

"Huh?" She snapped her head up. Lux knew she was asked a question and quickly looked at the white board and down at her text book for any type of clue on what the class discussion was. "Can you repeat the question please?" Her teacher sighed and moved onto the next student who had their hand raised. Lux rolled her eyes and discreetly went back to texting.

"Alright class, before you leave I have your graded quizzes from last week. If you have any questions or concerns just see me after class." The teacher stated. She went around the class handing out each students quizzes. Some kids sighed in relief while others groaned at the terrible grade. Lux looked up from her phone when the quiz was placed face down at the corner of her desk.

"How'd you do?" Yuji asked, looking over all of the red markings on his paper. He slumped back in his chair, running his hand through his spiked dyed, blonde hair. "I failed by just a few points again. If I flunk this semester, coach isn't gonna let me play in this next volleyball tournament." He whined.

Lux flipped the page over and saw a 74 circled in red sharpie on the right corner of the quiz. "What!?" She shouted, receiving several stares from the class. "Ms. This can't be right." Lux slapped the quiz down on the desk.

"Lux, I already said to see me after class if you have any questions."

Lux clenched her jaw and scowled as she plopped back down in her chair. Never in her life has she gotten anything less than an A. This was ridiculous. It must have been marked wrong.

Yuji glanced over at Lux's quiz and hissed at the grade, "Ouch. You almost did as bad as I did." He commented, showing the 68 written on his page. Lux gave the boy a glare and crossed her arms with a pout looming across her face. "Oh cheer up, it's not the end of the world. Your first and only bad grade isn't gonna affect you that much."

"Yuji Terushima you are the last person that should be telling me about grades." Lux huffed. "And besides it's not going to stay a 74 for long."

"Ah, you rich kids and your bribes." He tsked, "That must be why you and Xia are the top students in our grade."

"I actually work hard for my grades. Thank you very much."

"Yeah, so whachyuh plannin on doin?" Yuji raised an eyebrow and looked forward at the teacher then back at Lux, "I don't take you as someone who swings both ways so bangin the teacher is outta the question."

Lux scoffed in disgust at the immature statement. "You're disgusting." Yuji taunted her by sticking out his tongue that was pierced by a silver stud.

"Am I though?" He leaned forward and smirked, "I mean, you're hot. Teach is attractive if I take my contacts out." Yuji cupped his chin in a thinking manner, "Hey maybe I can join yuh both and get my grade up too."

Lux mimicked the boys movement and gave a coy smirk of her own. "In your dreams, Yuji."

He sat back and chuckled, surprised that Lux matched his energy for once. He was so used to her being super serious about her work and never getting distracted. And it was almost out of nowhere when all of that started to change. Her phone was out more, her fashion sense changed for what he considered to be a blessing, and now her grades were slipping. "Oh believe me, I'm countin on it."

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