Have Some Fun

12 2 8

4 missed calls
10 unread texts
3 different apologies saved in the drafts

That was all to Sing.

3 missed calls
6 read texts
That was all to Shorter

Lux threw her phone in frustration and watched it bounce off the edge of the bed and clunk onto the carpet. Sing hadn't been to school in a week and she wanted answers. Shorter left her on read and didn't bother answering any calls so that didn't feel good either. Those two were a complete mystery. Lux wanted details but the problem was to figure out where to begin looking.

Luckily, answers weren't too far away. The sound of pebbles clinking against the window had caught her attention. There was only one person inconsiderate enough to show up uninvited this late at night. Lux looked over the balcony at the ground below and saw Shorter waving happily at her. "Can I come up?"

Her heart spasmed in her chest. Partially due to excitement and mainly because of the fear of being caught. If her parents heard and found an older boy in the room, she'd be grounded until the end of the century. "So you can sneak into my house but not answer a simple phone call?" She scolded in a screaming whisper.

"I know I know." He hushed, "Just had to lay low for a while."

"What for?"

"Uhhh." Shorter stammered after realizing that he slipped up. "Nothin' I'm kinda high so I'm just saying weird stuff right now." That part wasn't a complete lie. He and Lao may have shared a joint before coming to see Lux.

"Seriously?" For being older Shorter came off as significantly childish. From what she observed, Sing had looked up to Shorter. It may have been because he was his elder but there seemed to be a different reason involved that Lux couldn't put her finger on quite yet.

The chair in front of the desk quickly became occupied by Shorter plopping down and making himself at home. "Any plans tonight?"

Lux stood up in front of him with her arms wide open and looking down at the oversized t-shirt and sweats she had on. "Does it look like I have plans tonight? I'm getting ready for bed."

"It's only 10 on a Saturday." Shorter took notice of the opened laptop and notebook that was covered in notes. "Do you ever do anything besides study?"

No. "If I do that's none of your business."

"You need to let loose a little." You need to go to hell. Lux mentally slapped herself for thinking something so "vulgar". Well vulgar by her standards. "You ever been to a concert before?"

"I've been to a symphony. Does that count?"

Shorter's expression turned into a confused yet disappointed frown. She can't be serious. "Kinda yeah." He stood up and opened the doors to her closet, "Get changed. We're goin out."

The audacity of this guy to rummage through a girls belongings and order to go out not even giving her a chance to think. Who did he think he was? "Whoa whoa whoa. I can't just sneak out of my house!"

"Sure you can. I was able to sneak in, wasn't I? Your parents will have no idea."

Lux has obeyed rules all her life. Sometimes bending them slightly but never really broke them. Sneaking out though. That was way too risky. Plus, it was extra intimidating that she'd be going out with Shorter who reeked of trouble. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared..."

"I'm a master at sneaking in and out of places. You'll be fine." Lux looked at him with worry written across her face. Shorter then gave a tender, comforting smile. "I promise." She pondered the idea around in her head and her instincts shouted to not leave the house. On the other hand, she did deserve a night of fun. Lux ultimately convinced herself that this night out could give her some real world experiences since her parents always kept her on a short leash which led to not knowing anything that didn't have to do with her studies.

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