Merlin heals Gwen's father

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Merlin was stood outside Guinevere's house. Gwen and her father were fast asleep.

Gwen gasped and Morgana turned to her quickly, concerned. "What is it?"

"I remember this! It is when my father was cured from that terrible illness and..." she trailed off as she felt Uther's glare.

"And Uther wrongly imprisoned you for sorcery," Morgana finished for her, returning the glare at Uther.

"Father had a terrible illness?" Elyan questioned in alarm.

Arthur frowned, "why is Merlin there?"

Opening the front door quietly, Merlin entered the house. He slowly approached the father and daughter before laying a poultice under Gwen's father's pillow.

"Merlin! You would do well to knock when entering someone's home!" Lancelot scolded.

"What is that you're putting under my father's head?" Gwen frowned.

Uther froze. He recognised that poultice.

Merlin could feel himself sweating. This was it. His time was up. His hands shook in his pockets and he refused to look at Arthur.

Gaius bit his tongue.

As he stepped back, he muttered an incantation and his eyes glowed gold. The illness had lifted from Gwen's father in a cloud of yellow smoke.

Uther was on his feet in an instant; his hand had reached Merlin's throat before he had a chance to realise what had just happened.


"FATHER!" Arthur had tried to pull Uther away, only to get pushed to the side.

"I trusted you to be a faithful servant to my son and you have betrayed us all!" Uther yelled, his hand unmoving. "Sorcery! Within the castle walls! It makes me sick at the thought! You are a mistake!"

Mordred noticed Morgana and Gwen were holding each other's hands. Morgana looked horrified. Horrified yet also pained. Gwen looked baffled.

"Father!" Arthur tried again, successfully freeing Merlin, allowing him to take a gasp of air.

Lancelot helped Merlin to his feet, standing beside him protectively.

"You're a wizard, Merlin?" Gwaine chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I'll be damned. I knew there was something I liked about you."

"You saved my father," Elyan was staring at Merlin with tears in his eyes.

Uther was seething. He turned towards Merlin and pointed at his face. "You will be punished for this. By the laws of Camelot you will be publicly executed and I will take pleasure in watching you burn."

"Father, he saved a life-"

"He is a SORCERER!" Uther yelled. "Sorcery has no place within this castle."

"Not all sorcery is evil," Morgana argued. "He did nothing wrong."

"I mean, he did lie to me," Arthur frowned, looking at Merlin. "I thought I knew everything about you. I thought we were friends."

"We are!" Merlin pleaded. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Gaius, did you know about this?" Uther turned to the physician. "And do not lie to me, I know about your past."

Gaius contemplated for a second before nodding. "Yes."

Uther took a heavy breath. "Then I have no choice but to kill you as well."

"NO!" Merlin cried.

"You have every choice!" Morgana yelled.

"Silence!" Arthur called. "Please, everyone just shut up!" He turned to his father. "We have a job to do. All of us are required to finish this task. We must finish watching the past and future otherwise we will probably be cursed. Then we can deside on the present. Do you agree, sire?"

"Fine!" Uther exclaimed, "but be warned, boy, if there's any funny business, I will end you in a second."

Merlin just nodded. He tried to catch Arthur's eye but he was ignoring him.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, he turned to see Gwen offer him a napkin. He took it with a smile as she mouthed 'thank you'.

Merlin exited the house and watched from the window as Gwen's father woke up. He touched Gwen's head and she sat up quickly.

Gwen moved towards Merlin and whispered, "so this is how you knew he was cured? You're not a psychic after all?"

Merlin smiled despite himself, "I'm afraid not."

"You're a good friend, Merlin. You saved my father's life."

"I couldn't let him die." He said this a bit too loud as Arthur heard. He didn't look angry; just thoughtful.

"Father?" Gwen gasped, turning to look at him properly. "What's happened? I can't believe it!" She hugged her father.

"I believe you owe Gwen an apology," Morgana announced to Uther, staring daggers at him.

"There is no time for that. What's done is done."

Merlin was smiling at the window before he left.

"Oh Merlin," Gaius sighed. He turned to him. "I do hope that you know I am proud of you. Proud and irritated."

"I know, Gaius," Merlin smiled sadly.

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