7 - Missing The Red Rose

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It's been a week since Rising Sun dined with the infamous, Red Rose. They still hadn't told anyone about that night and they planned to keep it that way. However, Hudson had some other plans for today. He hadn't seen or heard from or about The Red Rose since a week ago. He wondered what she could be doing.

Rising Sun got another early morning this morning. Today, they would meet with their fans. He got a good night sleep for once. Sure, he had been thinking about her, but not to the point that it kept him up all night.

He had popped right out of bed this morning as soon as the alarm went off. He fixed himself up before walking over to his small desk in his room.

On his desk was his computer. He had been working on a new song. It wasn't Rising Sun related, but Red Rose related. It was almost like he had created a theme song for her. He wondered if he should let his members listen to it or not. It still wasn't quite done yet though. He would finish it when he got back.

Grabbing a sweater, he left his room and walked down the stairs. He bumped into Bobby and Gabe on his way down the hallway.

"Morning Hudson~," Bobby greeted him with an enthusiastic smile.

"Hey pervy," Hudson greeted Bobby back with a daring smirk as he reached up and snatched his hat.

"Wha-?! Hey! Hudson!" Bobby exclaimed in annoyance as he chased after Hudson, who laughed and rushed down the stairs. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he rushed into the kitchen. The others were already there, eating their breakfasts.

"Geez, it sounded like a bunch of elephants rushing down the stairs," Tony commented as he lifted his eyebrow at Bobby and Hudson.
Hudson grinned mischievously while Bobby snatched his hat back and scowled.

"Boys, we've got to be there by 9:00, so let's hurry things up," their manager urged as he clapped his hands. The members nodded in understanding as they hurried to finish their food before leaving the studio. They all got into the limousine waiting outside and rode off to their fan meeting.

Once they arrived they greeted their fans with big, bright smiles and cheerful waves. The band was led to the stage where chairs and a long table was set in front of them. Microphones were ready and a screen behind them showed pictures of their photoshoots. As they sat down, they talked amongst themselves.

"Hudson," Parker whispered as he nudged a smiling Hudson.

"What's up?" He asked as he glanced at Parker.

"I don't know what you're planning, but don't under any circumstances mention that we dined with The Red Rose a week ago," Parker instructed in a stern voice as he eyed the youngest. Hudson stared at the oldest for a moment. Disappointment rushed through him. He really want to tell others that he had dined with The Red Rose after she had saved him again.

"Why does it matter if I tell them or not?" Hudson asked curiously with a shrug.

"Because right now, we can't afford to be known as the pop band that dines with wanted criminals," Parker explained simply with a firm look, "Promise, promise me that you won't mention it." Hudson narrowed his eyes at the oldest after that. He still didn't like the fact that after The Red Rose saved him twice, his members still didn't seem to trust her.

"Fine," he grumbled as he turned away from Parker, earning a sigh from his member. He sat staring at his phone, at the picture that he took of The Red Rose. Mostly, the only reason why he wanted to mention that he had dined with her was because he wanted to see her, to talk to her again. Most would find it strange that he wanted to associate himself with a criminal, but he had his reasons for wanting to get to know her: 1) He wanted to see what she truly looked like, 2) He just wanted to know the true reason as to why she saved him, and 3) If she really was turning things around.

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