3 - Watcher Of The Night

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Hudson woke up the next morning, his thoughts still filled with the events of last night. So many times during the night, he kept coming up with faces for how The Red Rose would look like with her cloak off. However, none of them seemed to match what he saw in the photo that he took. He had been restless all night long. He just couldn't figure out why someone with a reputation as a thief would rescue someone like him.

He rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his bed. He had large bags under his eyes from not having enough sleep. Some of it was because of not getting much sleep last night, but most of it was because he had been working nonstop for the past month. He desperately was in need for a break.

The floor creaked as he stood up and hobbled his way to the bathroom. His hair was messy and sticking up all over the place. Sighing, he grabbed a brush and combed it out until it was the way he wanted it. He slowly got dressed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

As he was getting ready, his phone buzzed. He sighed in annoyance as he checked it. There were new messages from the group chat. He clicked his tongue in irritation. Even though, the chatroom annoyed him because he would always be flogged with new messages, he still got curious as to what his members talked about. So, he opened up the chat.

~~Chatroom Opened~~

(Abel has entered the chatroom)

Abel: Morning everyone!

(Parker has entered the chatroom)

Parker: Good morning Abel.

(Michael has entered the chatroom)

Parker: Good morning Michael.

Michael: ........

Abel: You good?

Michael: Yeah.... just tired.

Parker: Ok, well, take a nap later.

(Tony has entered the chatroom)

Tony: Hey.

Abel: Hey Tony!

Tony: Hey.

(Gabe has entered the chatroom)

(Bobby has entered the chatroom)

Bobby: Hey guys!

Gabe: Yo! Gabe in the chatroom!

Parker: ..........

Abel: .........

Tony: Wha....???

Bobby: Lol.

Michael: ...... no.

Gabe: Aw, come on. Don't ruin my jam!

(Hudson has entered the chatroom)

Hudson: Morning.

Parker: Good morning Hudson. Sleep well?

Hudson: No.

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