Chapter 13

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Hey guys.
It's a new day and, I guess a new chapter😁😁😁.
The action starts from here and you're gonna be seeing alot of them.
Bring your popcorn, wear your glasses, sit back and...should I say watch...or read.
A lot of love😘😘😘.

Don't forget to vote and comment.*


Alan was shocked by what happened hours ago, he's now in one of the meditation class with other new students.

The first time this happened was in the police station, it happened so fast he didn't notice.

********* flashback ***********

They're gonna lock me up. He thought, and immediately thought of a plan of escape.

At that moment he saw an ant.

How I wish I was as free as this ant, I could slip by unnoticed. He thought, but it's not that easy.

What if you can?. A voice said to him.

Huh. He answered.

Why don't you give it a try. The voice urged him

I...I am not sure.

Just do it, think about how it feels to be so small, slipping through cracks and eating food crumbs. The voice continued him.

Alan decided to give it a try.
At first nothing happened, but after some seconds he felt a dark energy flowing through and around him.
By the time he opened his eyes, everything was so big and distant.

Jeez, I did it. You hear, I did it. Hello.... Where'd the voice go.
Anyways I can escape now.


That was an experience man. He thought.

The transformation helped him escape detention and although he stayed for weeks before he learned to transform back, the experience was one he couldn't forget.

Also this dark power, he felt it when he touched the ancient wheel.

During the period he saw many things about the organisation and how it was running.
The leaders have already changed to what they want to do with it.


t's now used to destroy the people they vowed to protect, this angered Alan and he vowed to destroy those who were the cause.
He also saw his greatest enemy.

Today he communicated for the first time with another human, although it was telepathic.
There's now a connection with that girl and he could still feel it humming in his heart.
How it happened he couldn't guess, hell he didn't even understand what's going on again.

At least I got someone to talk to.
Even if it's that aggressive redhead, I won't feel lonely anymore. He thought.

"Umm....hey?" A female voice interrupted his meditation and Alan opened his eyes to see wide beautiful eyes like the desert sand staring down at him.
The owner of the eyes smiled down at him, she wore an orange *dogi outfit.
Well, it won't be an exaggeration to say she's stunning.

ALONEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora