Chapter 5

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The Paracleta is an organisation ( secret though), that fights for the weak and molested.
All the members have one thing in common. Hurting someone else angers them more than when they are the victim. Everyone in this organisation have a hominem assigned to them.

The hominem is there conscience. it's represented by a color. And the color is very significant in everything they do, it potrays their emotions.

Ralph,with the color green, is the most jovial and gentle of all.
He loves nature and is always seen in the garden.
His hair was dyed green to match his eyes,and he looks like he never does any work.
With a deceiving body under garments, no visible veins, but he could kill without weapons.
His weakness is when people refuse to do the right thing, or stopping nature from taking it's cause, he was nicknamed Erogardos, ( He loves gardens to a fault ).
And he is the oldest of the students with 18 years of age.

Lucas, brown,can be just as dirty with words and actions.
Brown eyes,and if brains can be dirty too, then his is, all sorts of dirty bad thoughts could be seen there,excluding wickedness, obviously replaced by kindness,and he only shows it to the weak.
The guy looks like a body builder, big muscles and all that, (He's probably the burliest of all), and a beautiful face.
His weakness is seeing ladies being maltreated, or insulted. He's the second oldest with six months younger than Ralph,and he's called pervert.

Mia and Lia, both with the same blue styled hair and almost the same in everything, are always seen together.
Both are the first and only people to have the same color, pink.
Mia is the talking type and Lia believes in action, though nobody would notice because you can't differentiate between the two.
They are the youngest in the group, 15 years.
Their weakness is hurting or taking away one person from the other.
Giving them the name, the Inseparables.

Jarvis, as hot as larva, with black hair and amber eyes has the color red.
She had a rough childhood with only her brother standing by her. She has learned to stand on her own, and very harshly too.
Her weakness is her brother and anyone she care about getting harmed, she is 2 years and a month younger than her brother. As for the nickname, nobody ever dares give her another name.

Not yet, Alan thought.
But I will.....soon.

Then their teacher Xander, Master X is his nickname and everything about him is white, his hair and his color.
Greyish eyes and although he looked old, nothing else about him is.
His weakness is anything dirty, including Lucas's cursive mouth, nobody knows his age.

Then Alan, the newcomer...

"What's his name?" Mia, the one with light blue eyes asked.

"I don't know, hasn't talked since he came here. And I don't care". Lucas answered and winked at her.

"You fool". Master X smacked him.

"Aww, what's that for?"

"You are..."X began to say.

"It's okay, since he can't talk, let's give him a name. I suggest silento".

"Still". Lia suggested.

"Or cunny snake". Lucas answered, still winking at the twins.

"Stupid". Jarvis replied dismissively and everyone turned to look at her.

"What, he's stupid".

"Since all your suggestions has an element of 'S', he should be called boy 'S' ".

"S!!!"they all shouted.

Master X never wanted an argument, but it looks like he just did that.

"I mean, you can add your own suffix after the s. I will call him silent".

"I disagree with silent".

"And I disagree with still, snake or even stupid".

"I don't disagree with still". Lucas cast a coquettish smile at the twins.

"You guys argue, I'm off to the garden". Ralph said walking off.

"The hell you do, dare you step out". Jarvis challenged him, in order not to risk a fight, he had to stay.

"You can call him any S- word".

"That's right, 'sword". Lucas jumped in excitement.

"That Sucks". Jarvis answered.

"Fuck you Sis". He replied.

"It's okay, from today, we call him s-word boy".

"Fine by me, can I go now" Ralph answered.

"What of stupid?" Jarvis asked.

"Add it to yours". Master X replied.

"Common Ess, let's go know your hominem".

"Go on, stupid swords boy"Jarvis said smiling, satisfied with her naming.

That's how Alan got a new name.
Choosing a hominem isn't all what the name makes it look like, the selection is done by an ancient wheel, and the following things happen.

The individual places the right hand on the wheel and all what happened in their past, happening in the present, and going to happen in the future all makes the wheel spin.
This generates a kind of electricity and the black orbs around the wheel lights up with his or her hominem.

Alan placed his hand on the wheel reluctantly and closed his eyes, all what happened before in his life started flashing.
He heard gasps and opened his eyes to see his worst fear.


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