Chapter 6

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"This is strange", one of the twins said.

"Yeah, I've never seen this happen before, Master X what do you say? "

"Am afraid I've forgotten what the book says about situations like this".

"Forget about books, this guy is not fit to be with us"Lucas said in dismissive tone.
Master X turned and gave him a murderous glare.

"I think Ralph will know something about this sort of problem". One of the twins suggested.

"I know something about it too"Lucas sniffed.

Jarvis humphed." The hell you do".

"I'll go get him" Mia said and exited with her twin.

In the next few minutes Lucas was receiving strong drilling on his negative attitude towards serious issues.

"Can't you guys just leave me alone this is my fucking life, and I get to live the bloody fuck anyhow I want."

"I didn't make myself like this, so fuck off. You both!! ".

He started walking off when Ralph entered with the twins right behind, laughing at something he said.

"Fuck" Lucas cursed, he wished he was out of here.

"So Ralph, we have a problem here" Master X spoke on, ignoring him.

"Yeah, the twins told me about it", he replied.

"And we were hoping you know something about it, or remember what the book says about a situation like this" Jarvis put in.

"To be sure." he said.

"SS, can you put your hand on the wheel let me see?"

"Do you ?" Master X was impatient.

"Sorry sir, am afraid I don't". His tone had a hint of regret in it.

"Ah, that's it". Master X sighed in exasperation.

"I would have loved to see the stupid guy's hominem ". Jarvis muttered.

Ralph turned to Alan. " Can you place your hands again, let's see".

"There's no point there". Lucas put in immediately.

But Alan did it nonetheless. The wheel spinned and still showed nothing but black orbs.

"See, I told you". Lucas was quick to answer.

"But the wheel spinned, didn't it?" Ralph asked no one in particular.

"If he wasn't one of us, it wouldn't have".

"Yeah, I remember that one". Master X said.

"Which leaves me still asking you the same question ".

"The answer is total black out", Lucas supplied indignantly,

"Maybe he spoilt it".

"I'll add another 's' to his name; spoiler" Jarvis said put in, looking at Alan who never even flinched or showed any emotion since they came there.

"Come to think of it, Lucas has a point". Ralph spoke up, his face had a serious expression, like he was deep in thoughts.

"It's just blackout, or just black"

"That's not possible" Master X said, his voice trembled, but nobody noticed.

"It might be, if not why were orbs painted in black" Ralph countered.

" don't shine!!" Jarvis suddenly got it.

"So, there was no way it could show it other than to produce no light!!" Mia jumped up excitedly.

"No! It can't be!!" Master X's face paled, and suddenly the atmosphere changed.

"Master, what's the problem?" Ralph rushed to him and they all surrounded him.
He started hyperventilating and everyone did their best to calm him down.
Finally he found his voice.

"Black is dangerous" he rasped, his voice suddenly weak, and everyone froze.


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