Chapter Two - Seven's Nike Kicks

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Fandom: Battle For Dream Island (Web Series)

Ship: Seven/Nine

Summary: Nine gifts Seven some fresh Nike kicks, and Seven decides to show off their new shoes to the other Algebraliens

Seven (And Two): They/Them

Everyone Else: He/Him

Seven was sitting on their couch, bored. They didn't like lazing around, but they had nothing else to do. So instead, they aimlessly flipped through channels, trying to find a television show that interested them. "Ugh, not even any of the sitcoms have something good on!" Seven complained. But then suddenly, Seven heard the noise of wheels rolling fast towards them, and they instantly knew who it was. "Yo, yo, yo! Nine's in the house!" Nine announced, though Seven didn't need the declaration to know that it was their significant other. Nine does a small kickflip rolling over to Seven before stopping in front of them. "Hey, Nine." Seven greeted flatly, now looking at Nine. At hearing his significant other's dull voice, Nine's face becomes more concerned but still as radical as ever. 

"Ah damn bro, you aren't feeling so tubular, are you?" Nine asked. Seven shook their head. "There's just nothing to do, Nine! I'm so freaking bored and not even any of the sitcoms that I like are playing anything good!" Seven ranted. After concluding their rant, Seven slumped down onto their couch, looking defeated. Nine climbs onto the couch beside Seven and wraps an arm around them. "Aye don't sweat homeboy, I can see you're in a bummer mood right now, but I have something that could knock that sad wack out of anyone!" Nine exclaimed before grabbing a pair of shoes from thin air. Seven looks at Nine, confused. "I don't get it; a pair of shoes are supposed to make me feel better? None of us even wear shoes!" Seven questioned, but Nine just smiled and shook his head. 

"Nah man, look closer!" Nine responded. Seven complied and looked at the shoes more carefully before audibly gasping at the sight. "Oh my god Nine, are these the shoes from that one Nike kicks meme?" Seven cried happily. "You bet, brother!" Nine confirmed. Seven immediately hugs Nine. "Jesus Nine, you're the best! Now I have an idea of what I can do, I can show off my Nike kicks to the other Algebraliens!" Seven thanked joyously before hopping off the couch with an outstanding amount of enthusiasm. Nine lowers his sunglasses and winks. "Yeah, yeah, I'm super gnarly. Now stop being a lame-o and get some air!" Nine teased. Seven excitedly put on the Nike kicks, and even did a twirl in them before running outside, determined to share the news of his brand-new kickers with the whole world. 

They look around outside to see if any of the other Algebraliens were nearby. Luckily for them, they didn't have to look far as they spotted Ten walking by holding a key lime pie. Seven didn't hesitate, running over to Ten at an eerily fast pace due to their Nike kicks. Unfortunately, due to Seven's speed Ten was caught off guard from Seven's presence. "Hey, Ten!" Seven hollered happily while still running towards Ten. Ten gasped and turned around to see Seven barreling towards him, making Ten nearly drop his key lime pie in the process but managing to catch it before it fell. "Oh, sorry Ten! I didn't mean to scare you!" Seven apologized. "Oh, it's okay Seven, but dear math! You were running faster than me in track, and I'm super athletic!" Ten responded. 

Seven's smile grew bigger when Ten said they were running fast. "Well Ten, I actually have a pretty good reason why I can run so fast, but before I share that secret, I want to know what you are doing here walking around with a pie." Seven informed. "Oh, this pie? Two made it for me, they're such a good cook, you know! I was going to take it home and eat a slice or two before saving it for later since I just love key lime pie!" Ten answered, now happily thinking of how the pie would taste. 'Aw man, I want pie too!' Seven lamented internally, but then they looked down at their Nike kicks and smiled. "Well, pie is nice, but I personally think I have something way cooler!" Seven then jumps up and clicks their kicks together. "Check out my shoes. They're the brand new one, two, buckle my shoes! Three, four, buckle some more. Five, six, Nike kicks!" 

Seven sang, laughing while Ten just looked at them confused and a bit concerned. "Oh, uh, that was...nice." Ten muttered, being uncomfortable but trying to be positive for his friend. "That is so fire!" Seven agreed. "Well, I'll see you later Ten! I got to show this to the other Algebraliens!" Seven beamed. "Sure, buddy. You have fun with that." Ten said, slowly backing away. Seven being completely oblivious cheerfully waved goodbye to Ten before running off to go find the other Algebraliens.


Seven was in the number playground now, where there were bound to be more Algebraliens. Lo and behold, there was. 'Ooh, Eight and Five are over there playing Go Fish together! They haven't noticed me yet, so I can go up to them and show off my Nike kicks!" Seven thought. They were about to go through with this plan, but then they saw someone who put them dead in their tracks. "Six." Seven grumbled quietly to themselves, seeing their arch nemesis was also at the number playground. Seven mood was about to be completely ruined, but then a wicked thought came into Seven's head. 'What if I show Six my brand-new Nike kicks in another way?' Seven chuckled at the idea before walking up to Six. When Six noticed Seven's presence, he sighed in annoyance before looking at Seven in the eyes. 

"What do you want, Seven?" Six asked, annoyed. Seven smiled down at Six, making Six feel a bit unnerved. "Hey Six, go long!" Seven shouted. "Wait wha-AHHHHHHHH" Six screamed as Seven kicked him into the sky with their Nike kicks. Six's scream caught the attention of Five and Eight, as they rushed over to see Seven beaming over their actions. "Seven, did you just kick Six into the air again?" Five questioned, already knowing that they did. "Yup!" Seven exclaimed, with no guilt. "Why? It's not like either of you are in the subscriber count." Eight followed up. "I did it to kill two birds with one stone! I get to mess with Six and show him my hot new Nike kicks! Wanna take a look?" Before waiting for a response, Seven showed off their Nike kicks to Five and Eight. Seven now had a look of pride on their face.

They both observed the shoes, before looking at Seven slowly. Instead of a look of astonishment on their faces like Seven expected, they just looked confused. "Uhhh Seven? These aren't real Nike kicks." Five stated, making Seven immediately feel tense. "What?! That's not true!" Seven shouted. Eight shook his head. "Five's right, Seven. Those are fakes, look." Eight then ran a finger on the Nike kick logo and easily peeled it off, revealing the logo actually said 'Mike' but was covered by the Nike sticker. "It's actually pretty easy to get tricked by bootlegs so don't feel bad about it, but these aren't Nike shoes." Eight noted. With the passing of each second, Seven felt their shock turn into anger. Nine got them bootleg shoes?! "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Seven hollered into the sky before looking back down. "That's it, I'm going to eat Nine, for real!" They proclaimed.

Five shook his finger. "No, Seven. Cannibalism isn't allowed here! Also, that joke isn't real for the last time!" Five retorted. "Oh I'm going to make it real, and I'm just half of Fourteen the skin eater so it's basically in my blood!" Seven yelled before running in the direction of their home, where Nine was. "Oh no you don't!" Five called out angrily, chasing after Seven. Eight watched as Seven and Five ran off and rolled his eyes. "Seven doesn't have the guts to eat Nine, they probably will try to prove a point but nothing too dangerous. No point in chasing after them." Eight said before lying in the grass, listening as Seven and Five's voices faded away.

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