Chapter Three - A Depressed Backpack

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Fandom: ONE (Web Series)

Ship: Liam/Owen

Summary: After HFJONE 18, Liam is now stuck in Airy's universe, being unsuccessful in saving the rest of the contestants of ONE. But he won't give up on them though, even if he feels just as trapped as them.

Liam made his way back to the log cabin, limping due to his leg but he didn't care about that. All of this had been for nothing. After everything he's been through to save everyone in ONE and get them sent back to their homes, it was practically impossible now. The only person who could was dead, Liam being the one to find the top of his head lodged into the sand. It disgusted him how fate could be so cruel. He was so close to getting them all back home, but then something just had to go wrong and now there was nothing he could do.

Liam was going to the log cabin first to check on something, even though he already knew what he would see. He just had to look, make sure. It wouldn't be fair to them if he didn't. So, Liam opened the cabin's door and went to the laptop. He opened the laptop, and just like he expected, it wouldn't turn on. Of course, now there was nobody here he could talk to that weren't trapped in ONE. Texty was on that computer, and since it was battery low there was no way they could interact with him. 

It's not like he could charge it either since he lost that charger along with all of the notes. Oh yeah, those notes. There was no way he could go back to San Fransico either since all the notes with the radio codes were destroyed. The option of hopping through dimensions using the radio was now out of the question since if he died here to go to another dimension, it was highly possible he'd never find this place again. That would leave everyone in ONE completely hopeless, stuck in a fake world nobody was even watching. Besides, it's not like there was any place he wanted to go to that he was certain he would be transported to. He lost the code to San Fransico, no way to get there. There was no other choice, Liam had to stay in this dimension. For his sake and everyone else trapped.

Liam closed the laptop computer gently and rested a hand on its top, like a silent goodbye to his teammate and friend. Then before shooting one last stare at the computer and a friend he may not ever talk to again, he left wordlessly. Well, that was done. Now for the other part of this. Liam slowly reached Airy's cave, where ONE was hosted. He swished away the leaves serving as a door for the cave, before looking on at where everything happened. Where so many lives were ruined. Liam approached the floating planet in the cave, where everyone in ONE was forced to do Airy's stupid challenges. He looked down at the planet, seeing everyone there. They all looked so small from Liam's perspective, but he could clearly see their suffering.

Amelia and Bryce were holding each other tight, Amelia sobbing openly while Bryce quietly cried as well. Subway Seat looked at the duo with sadness, understanding their situation. Moldy looked on into the distance, probably reflecting on her own past decisions. Tray and Whippy Creamy were in their inanimate forms, most likely sleeping. They were all in pain there, God, oh how much he wanted to help them to go back to their lives. But unfortunately, Liam had no clue how to code. He may have spent long hours at his job, but that was only for telemarketing. Thinking about his job, Liam goes back in his thoughts and starts thinking about someone. That person being his co-worker and friend Owen.

They were just simple colleague friends, at least that's how it looked. But inside Liam always had a feeling that he had more than just platonic love for Owen. But he never made a romantic move on Owen, always pushing it off for later for a 'better moment' to confess how he really felt. But then after getting eliminated from ONE and starting this journey with Bryce and Texty to take down Airy's demented game show, he learned to value his time wisely. But it also wouldn't have been a great time to confess when meeting with Owen after so long. There was too much, Liam had to focus on stopping Airy from continuing ONE, so Liam made a promise to himself. 'When I'm back from saving the contestants of ONE, I'll ask Owen out.' Liam thought back then.

Well, now there was no chance for that. Liam was stuck here for who knows how long, there was no way he could meet up with Owen and say his true feelings towards him. He should have said something when he had the chance. Maybe then at least he could have had the opportunity to be in a relationship with Owen before all of this started. Liam couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for dragging his feet about the subject and now had no chance to confess. But those are just lost opportunities, Liam knew he would never get to meet with Owen ever again. Owen just thinks he's on another business trip, as Liam reasonably assumed explaining everything that happened in ONE would make him look insane. He'll just be waiting for Liam to return, so they can reunite. But that would never happen, and he would be waiting for someone who couldn't come back no matter how much he wanted to.

The thought of Owen never truly understanding what happened to Liam and still having hope he would come back made Liam feel a special type of hopelessness. He couldn't fix anything, but it also wouldn't be right to just give up on everyone who was still in ONE. He can't just give up on them. So, Liam sat down on the stool that Airy had sat once and looked at the computer that controlled ONE. It was still way too confusing for Liam to understand, but he would never stop trying. As he looked at the code though, he couldn't hold himself as a single tear fell from his eye. 

They all weren't getting out of here anytime soon, were they?

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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