Scarlett's Birthday!!

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As someone who is aware of how much my aunt Scar does for me, I feel really awful this morning.

Waking up in my aunts house on the day of her birthday feels like I'm invading her space. She should have today to spend with her little family, not also having to look after and worry about me.

But you see, my dad's been busy with filming abroad for the past 2 months and the next 4 months, so she offered to look after me.

I think it's silly, I'm 17, I'm old enough to take care of myself. But my dad didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone for half a year, so he accepted Scarlett's offer, and here we are.

Rose ran into my room a little while ago wanting me to help surprise Scarlett with her presents. But the least I can do is give them some space, and let her children and husband wish her happy birthday and give her her presents.

What I do decide to do is go downstairs and cook some breakfast options, I know she loves to have pancakes so making sure my timing is right, I make them all breakfast, leaving it on the table, before making my way back upstairs with my own food.

On my way back to my room I can see them through Scarlett and Colin's slightly open door. Colin with his arm around aunt Scar, while Rose and Cosmo were cuddled into her, as they seemed to be just finishing up her presents.

I miss having a family. Sure I have my dad, and aunt Scar is my godmother, but that's all I have.

I want someone that I can spend their birthday with them, just showing them how much I love them.

As I settle back down onto my bed, I can hear giggling and moving as I realise they're heading downstairs.

After just a few minutes though, there's a gentle knock on my door, making me let out a quiet "come in."

As I see my aunt scar coming in, I smile saying a "happy birthday aunt scar," before I grab my card and her presents to hand it to her.

She gives me a smile before she points to the bed and gives me a questioning look, I nod, so she settles down on the edge of the bed to open her presents.

She looks at me with a soft looking muttering "you didn't have to get me anything sweet girl."

I blush and shrug. You see, we're not like super close anymore. But we definitely used to be. It's totally not her fault at all, she invites me over a lot, and even though I do come, i spend most of my time in the guest room which is basically my room.

She tries to get me to spend time with her but honestly, seeing as I don't have a mother figure in my life, I don't want to crave it. Gosh it's stupid because ignoring aunt scar isn't helping, that craving is still there, but it feels like I'm protecting myself by not allowing myself to get attached.

That's funny that I say that actually considering one of my presents to her but I appreciate her so much and she deserves to know that. As I say, she tries constantly, no matter how many times I push her away.

She questions "which one should I open first?" As there's a little box and a slightly bigger book looking present. I point to the little box first so she smiles and nods, before opening that one.

The box has some little earrings that I actually made, with some hints towards her marvel character, but I just thought they were cute.

Her smile widens as she looks at them "oh my gosh thank you, these are adorable!"

I smile a little mumbling a "you're welcome."

She then moves onto the other one making me hold my breath, I'm nervous about what she'll think about this one. She seems to notice my breathing go a little funny because she glances at me rather quickly, reaching out to stroke my face I'm guessing but retreating her hand quickly. You see, I kind of got into a habit of pushing her away. Not only mentally but also physically because I thought that would be easier. But it's not, and I hate that I've done that.

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