Final Mission: Overlord II

Start from the beginning

As the office workers looked on in wonder, Yeji began shoving things off their desks looking for some kind of improvised weapon. She found a letter opener and a wooden umbrella.

"Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt. I just have to take a few things with me. Just a piece of advice, when the evacuation siren goes on, please exit the building in a safe and orderly manner. Until then, if you call the authorities or tell anyone you saw me, I will cut off your hands. Thanks your cooperation, and I apologize for the disturbance."

Next, Yeji filed the tip of the umbrella on the modern-style concrete floor until it was extremely sharp.

She went up the stairs to the 19th floor. The door was locked, probably because a security escalation had begun. She took a deep breath, and kicked the door squarely off the hinges. As Yeji exploded through the opening, a man knocked over by the door was fighting and squirming to get back to his feet. Yeji dropped flat on the door, reached underneath, and quickly stabbed the man with the letter opener.

The hallway had a locked custodian's closet on one end, and ended in a left turn at the other. She could hear a man's voice shouting.

I don't care who you are! I don't care what you think! I don't care about your degree! You're missing one fact. She cannot be stopped. It isn't that she won't stop, it's that she can't stop. All of us, all of us are dead. The chickens are coming home roost. Do you get it? Dead!

Stealthily she tiptoed down the hall. There were cameras everywhere, but that was to be expected. She hid behind the wall and listened. Her guess was that these were real tactical people: pros, wearing body armor, trained in hand-to-hand, and intimately familiar with their weapons.

She took a deep breath and threw the letter opener as hard as she could. A man in a gray suit was hit in the center of his forehead. A thin trail of blood trickled down his nose, and he collapsed like a rag doll.


Yeji charged at the five men, screaming at the top of her lungs to disorient them. Since they were in a hallway, she'd only have to fight 1-2 at a time, Battle of Thermopylae style. Yeji attacked with the umbrella.

She stabbed the first man in the abdomen, just beneath his body armor. Pivoting the umbrella, she struck him under the chin, breaking his jaw and causing him to sag to the ground, which further made the guard's attack difficult. The next man swung a heavy billy club, but Yeji used the umbrella to deflect the blow. Since the man had the billy club attached to him with a wrist strap, Yeji gave the club a few quick turns to lock it around his arm. Seeing what had happened to his friend, the man closed his eyes and waited.


"REALLY?" the man asked in disbelief.

"NO! OF COURSE YOU ARE IN DANGER," Yeji said, and knocked him out with a blow to the jaw.

She just as easily took out the remaining three men. Once it was quiet, Yeji had blood spattered on her face and one of the glass conference room walls now had a smear of blood on it. Exhausted, she dropped the umbrella.

At the end of the hall was the glass door, the big kind powerful people have. She pulled on the handle and it swung open. Carefully she scouted the space until she was standing in the doorway of the office of Sir Robert Whately, the head of MI6, who was leaning back in his chair and smoking a pipe. She took a seat facing his desk.

"Thanks for not locking your doors, Sir Robert."

"What would be the point, Vector? Or should I say Ms Hwang?"

"On this mission, we are the same person."

Sir Robert inhaled. "Of course, I know why you're here, but of course, I'm not going to tell you the answer to your question."

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