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Yeji sat on the exam table waiting for the doctor to come back with her test results.

There was a light knock on the door. "Come in," Yeji said.

"I'm Dr. Brennan," he said, extending his hand. Yeji shook it.

He took a seat on a stool and flipped through the pages and pages of reports and results.

"Ms Hwang, I'll put it simply: your body has been severely damaged. You have torn cartilage in both feet, torn ligaments in your ankles, and both knees need to be completely replaced. Your hip sockets are damaged. You need rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders, and I have never seen hands that have been broken so many times and still function. But it's your spine that worries me. You have four crushed vertebrae. They'll just keep disintegrating until your spinal cord is exposed, and I'm sorry to say it, you won't be able to walk. "

He continued. "I think you've been able to get by in your life day-to-day because you're young, no disrespect. I think you have, perhaps, five years before your lifestyle, or your ability to do your job, becomes more and more limited."

Yeji sighed. "I'm going to be paralyzed? So what does treatment look like?"

"There are two options. First, the standard routine of surgeries and physical therapy. You'll get good, but not great, results in about five years. But not your spine."

"So what's option two?"

The doctor dropped the file on the floor, startling Yeji. He looked directly in her eyes.

"Option two is that you lead an organization dedicated to shutting down the uglier side of national intelligence agencies."

"Wait - are you a doctor, or a spy!?!" Yeji asked.

"Both, and I am extremely good at each. The diagnosis I just gave is true, by the way. You're a mess."

Yeji smiled wearily. "Thanks for the medical care, but I'll pass on the job. I've left that behind."

"You'll also have access to some, let's say, unconventional but highly effective medical procedures for cases like this. So, let me ask you one question: which choice is fair for Ryujin?"

Yeji shook her head and looked at the floor.

"In any case," the doctor-spy said, "we'll check back in, Yeji."

"My name. I wish you people would get it right..."

"Which one is it? Yeji? Vector?"


Vector || An Ryeji AdventureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ