Mission I: Emerald

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A black private jet landed and taxied to a stop at the gate. The door opened and a woman walked down the stairs. She had immaculate posture and carried herself like someone who has absolute confidence in herself.

Yeji was wearing the same designer clothes she had worn to Scotland, and after six months in a box, they smelled musty. Her black hair was in a perfect bob. But a closer look revealed that her knuckles are deep purple from being broken repeatedly while sparring.

She took a deep breath. I am a weapon.

Then she laughed. "Settle down, Hwang. You haven't even been on a real mission yet."

She left the airport through the secret VIP gate that all major airports have. Right as she stepped outside, a large black SUV screeched to a halt before her. Who was making these arrangements? How closely was she being watched?

The back door of the vehicle opened automatically and Yeji made herself comfortable. A voice came over an intercom:

"Good evening, Vector. I am Snowflake."

"Snowflake?" Yeji asked.

"All the cool names were taken," he responded drily.

"I was planning to surprise you by dropping off your motorcycle, but I was told you would be dressed too fancy for riding."

"I have a motorcycle?"

"Yes, and take it from me, it's a rocket. It's good that you passed the road course on bikes."

"We could have switched clothes, you know, so I could ride," Yeji laughed.

"My orders don't include that," Snowflake said matter-of-factually.

"Do we serve the rules, or do the rules serve us?" she asked rhetorically.

"When it comes to the rules, I follow them, just so I don't have to face Radius."

Yeji was confident in her abilities. "Oh, she doesn't frighten me."

"You should rethink that, Vector. Radius is as ruthless as she is talented. She will play dirty if need be, and she definitely will hold a grudge. I messed up and spent six months in Scotland running up that damn hill everyday."

"I'll keep that in mind. I appreciate the advice. Why don't you drop me off at my apartment for now?"

"Will do," he replied.

The drive took about 30 minutes. Yeji stood by as Snowflake got her bags from the trunk. He was a thin young man with shaggy hair and a faded t-shirt.

"If you don't mind me asking," Yeji said, "The dress code in MI6 seems to be Casual Friday everyday. What's the deal? I thought we were all going to be wearing expensive clothes and look cool, like movie spies."

"Fair question. This line of work attracts a certain kind of person, people who have extraordinary skills and abilities. That doesn't always mean that they are 100% normal people. I was a pro surfer at one point, so I hate suits and ties, and I especially hate haircuts. But in this game, never mistake appearances with ability. Looking like I do can get me into places that someone looking like you can't, and vice versa. I gather that in your world, you need to look fancy because that's required. But I've run many missions. Do you remember that virus that disabled Iran's nuclear power program?"

"Yes, I read about it. Stuxnet."

"The virus needed to be put on a USB, and that USB had to be plugged into a computer within the complex, one of the most secret and secure facilities in Iran."

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