happy pill XII

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Hyunjin ❤️

Everyone says Love is the one that gets you killed-but why did you write that in the letter that you were never loved-

I had loved you since forever

But where are you now,

Minho hyung confessed to me, tell me what to do



Don't ignore me please, I need you Hyunjin

Not delivered


"Minho hyung confessed to me'' Jisung  told to his bestfriend and his most trusted one bangchan

Whereas bangchan choked on his coffee not expecting Minho to finally confess this-well he knew about Minho's feeling and he also knew the consequences of telling that to Jisung

The thing is chan was both of thems loved friend and for chan the both males were like his own kids he can't let them get hurt- but for now Jisung was now more important than ever-

"What did you tell him" he asks

"Nothing- hyung i-i knew he liked me for so long but I cant return his feelings back I love Hyunjin so much" Jisung cried

Hyunjin was the only thing that had surrounded the youngers mind and chan was sure it would not go away that easily

"Jisung" chan held his hand and looked at him with the most sincere eyes "I know how you're feeling and how much pain you are in but-let's live okay I know it's hard but everything and everyone deserves a chance just like Hyunjin believed"

Chan was right everything he spoke was the truth itself the one who was close with Hyunjin was chan they were friends so chan knew who Hyunjin was and he trusted chan "Hyunjin believed that everything and everyone should get a chance to try..."

"Did Hyunjin get the chance to try" jisung wonders.

"Please give us a chance Jisung let us help you please give yourself a chance Jisung let you yourself help you give Minho a chance not to replace Hyunjin but to heal you're heart- I do not force you but I ask you to give it a thought" chan was hoping for nothing but good for both of his friends

Jisung did not say anything but it looked like he was thinking, thinking alot until he spoke

"Did Hyunjin ever loved me?" Jisung asks

Chan smiled at him "I don't know he never told me anything but- he looked like-"

"He really was in love--Love with you"

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