First Step Towards It

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Standing under the beautiful bright moonlight both were lost staring at each other with millions of varied emotions. Y/n was still amazed of how things had unfolded for both of them, from knowing RM vaguely to meeting him regularly then being away from him to seeing him on the internet almost everyday, she was finally face to face again with him. He on the other hand was full of gratitude, the universe had given him another chance to complete the unsaid. It was about time to seize this opportunity and make the most of it. Instilling a 'now or never' attitude in his demeanour he said, "Umm,, I was wondering.. I mean I wanted to ask you... y/n.. I never got a chance to thank you properly for looking after me so well... can I.. take you out for coffee if you are free tomorrow"? he said barely trying to keep up. Another shocker, y/n's heartbeat sped up again and her throat just went dry. "Y/n are you okay"? he waved his hand infront of her face lightly. "Huhh...? Yes, I mean.. yes we can go out for coffee tomorrow", she nodded. "Alright, I will come to pick you up at 10 tomorrow, is that fine"?, he tried his level best to not show his ecstatic expressions! "Yeah, she said in a low voice still trying to get her head around things that were happening. "I'll give you my number and you can message me your address" he took out his phone from his pocket. She quickly noted down the number and texted him. His phone beeped and he checked to make sure he received the message. "Got it", he smiled wide with his dimpled cheeks holding up the phone. That dimpled smile!!... same one which made y/n weak on her knees! "Alright, see you tomorrow then, I'll leave now everyone's waiting for me"... he smiled and raised his hand. "Okay then", she waved as he turned around to walk the opposite way. Her hand was still up in the air as her eyes widened and her lips pressed together with the most weird expressions. "Oh.. and y/n".. he said suddenly turning back towards her.. His sudden turn caught poor y/n off guard as she quickly put her hand down and tried to make a normal face! "Can I make a request please"? he asked. "Can you keep this a secret, you know how it is with the media and press". "Yeah of course, I understand", she nodded slowly.. you don't have to do it though if it is a risk" she knew it was not easy to meet an Idol in public! She had seen enough content on the internet and was very well aware of the toxic culture surrounding idols. "No, no it's not that scary too y/n", he laughed covering his face with both his hands, "and moreover, I wanna do this" he looked right into her eyes.

Her nervousness is making her cuter, he thought as his heart fluttered

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Her nervousness is making her cuter, he thought as his heart fluttered. She looked away hiding her flushed cheeks red from embarrassment. "Bye", he smiled putting his mask back on and covering his head with the hoodie cap and left. Y/n wanted to pinch herself to make sure this wasn't a dream! She was beyond happy, she wanted to jump up and down with excitement.. she wanted to scream it to the world!! Slowly she gathered her senses back and started walking towards where Ash and Niks were sitting. Y/n was worried that her friends might question her whereabouts as she left saying she was strolling around the beach for a short while to look at the waves. But luckily for her, they were engaged in their own talks. As promised she remembered not to tell anything to anyone just yet. They all had a fun dinner singing and dancing around and went back to their rooms...

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