Questions over Emotions

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"Hey, what's this"?

Hobi asked seeing RM holding up an envelope

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Hobi asked seeing RM holding up an envelope. This was the last day before the concert and the team had been practicing all morning. The guys had just wrapped up for the time and were resting, when their manager handed over something to the leader. "Oh nothing, just a little thank you gesture"RM said trying to brush off any suspicions. "For who? Me? For being been the best brother to you guys", Jin laughed. "No, it's for... he was interrupted in between. "Y/n" Suga replied in an obvious expression. Everyone went silent trying their best to hide their weird smiles by pressing their lips. ''Ohh right, Y/nnn.. everyone said as RM rolled his eyes. "Saranghae", Jin chuckled, "Saranghae" everyone except Hobi followed. "I love you". 'I love you' they all followed. Hobi just smiled sweetly witnessing all that. He later pulled Hobi to the side when no one was looking, "Hyung, can you give this to y/n when she comes tonight please"? Hobi looked at RM with a smirk. "It's just a thank you gesture Hoba, nothing else"... "Yah Namjoonah, I didn't even ask for any explanation, I know she is an amazing girl, she deserves it all"!! Hearing her praise made RM shy dimpled smile even more intensified. On the night of their last meeting while staring at the dark sky, Nam Joon's mind was consumed with strange thoughts, "we are leaving Australia day after tomorrow, feels good to go back home, but why is my heart racing like that"? His confrontations with himself were not yet resolved when she walked into the room. Funny how he could just guess from the change in aura who that was, he could only say a soft 'hi'. "If someone gazes at the stars at night, it means they have lost something precious on Earth" her usually sweet voice and a quite personality saying something so deep and meaningful was a complete shock. He just couldn't stop thinking about how effortlessly it touched his heart. He turned towards her with amusement while she was still gazing up at the star filled sky standing next to him. He couldn't take his eyes of her face which was lit up with the moonlight falling on it making her eyes shine even brighter. These light brown eyes could have immersed an ocean in them! Her all white outfit made her look no less than an angel, how he wished the mask could come off just this once! He so wanted to talk to her for hours, to know her story. Where was she from, what were her interest and hobbies, how was her life like, what her unique name even meant. But the distance between them was far more than the physical one. Her repeating the harsh truth of their realities that he did not want to acknowledge sunk his heart further. After today their paths may never cross again... I don't know much about her, still why do I keep thinking about her. Why does seeing her smile make me happy too. What is happening to me....

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