Not so bad

857 21 11

Wordcount: 1525 words
Ship: Hyunsung
Warnings: extrem fluff, not proofread 
Requested by hyunsungislife, I finally came around to write it haha

Wordcount: 1525 wordsShip: HyunsungWarnings: extrem fluff, not proofread Requested by hyunsungislife, I finally came around to write it haha

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Humans are always complaining about how bad their lives are and how easy it must be to be a dog. Apart from the fact that I'm in the room with them and feel extremely offended, I think that's just plain wrong. Humans are lazy.

And my job as a dog is anything but easy. Especially when your owner's name is Hwang Hyunjin. I wake up every day, looking forward to lying in my bed and simply enjoying the first few minutes of my day in silence... but no. That dude wakes up. And from then on, I live in danger. It starts with him opening his eyes, reaching for me, and caressing and kissing me like I'm a fucking toy. Like, hello? Ever heard of privacy or personal space?

 In the morning, he smells like that one dog at doggy daycare after she's eaten her nasty medication. Hard to stand, I tell you.

Well, if I'm lucky, he lets go of me for a while, takes off his fur, and goes for a shower. After that, I always wait obediently for my food. In general, I hardly ever complain, except when he tries to give me those funny red things. What does he call them? Strawberries? They don't look quite right to me. When he's finally finished, he takes me on his bike to my friends at doggy daycare.

I'm so happy to finally see everyone again. Even though people say I'm unfriendly and not really social, that's not the case at all. (Except for Hyunjin, sometimes he just doesn't know his limits. And someone has to take responsibility in the house, and that's me).

My best friend Bbama gets there a while before me and reserves our favorite spot in front of the window facing the street. Together we make sure that no bad guys come near our friends and we always bark to let our human friends know if we recognize anything suspicious. Everyday life here is exhausting, between the friendly scuffles and running around we need a lot of rest to recharge our batteries. I usually listen to Bbama complaining about his owner and we discuss the best types of dry food. Life is good that way.

Sometimes I'm almost annoyed that Hyunjin wants to pick me up and that this Jisung, at least that's what Bbama calls him, is taking my friend away from me. Every time Jisung comes, I'm extra careful and have to check him, but he smells okay. Before I can tell the stranger to take good care of Bbama, I'm back in Hyunjin's arms. Growling doesn't help either, I've tried often enough because he only lets me down again when we're home.

Hyunjin tells me everything that has happened to him throughout the day and I lie down in his lap and let him pet me. Let's be honest, he's actually a nice guy.

Then one day, I was already at the front door, ready to see Bbama again, but he didn't take me there. Of course, I complained loudly, because how dare he? Then he opened the door too. As if by magic, Bbama was standing there (and his master, but that's beside the point). What a surprise, it must be magic.

We couldn't believe it and went for a good run around the house. I mean, I wasn't prepared at all, if I had known he was coming I would have made my bed or reserved a bone. Instead, I showed Bbama my kingdom, the best places to rest, and where the underfloor heating is warmest. And then it happened.

We were trudging into the living room, where I was about to present my toy collection to Bbama when we experienced the greatest betrayal in the history of the world. Before our eyes, Jisung was lying in Hyunjin's arms. That was my place! I raced towards Hyunjin and saved him from that guy just in time. Bbama followed closely behind.

We talked to our owners and checked that they were okay. Who knows what would have happened if we had arrived too late. As much as Hyunjin annoyed me sometimes, he was my owner. Mine! And I don't like to share. His lap was my place and I didn't want this Jisung guy to get any funny ideas.

I was just about to make myself comfortable in my rightful place on his lap when Hyunjin pushed me off the couch. What? That was probably just an accident. I hopped back on the couch and licked his hand to show that I forgave him when he pushed me off again. Bbama was also banished from the couch with a strong no. We both look at each other in confusion and up at our masters who are laughing at us. What's funny? That was treason!

"Not cool to share, isn't it? Be nice to Jisung, he will be around more often now." I don't think I'm hearing right, did this guy poison Hyunjin? Did he have a fever? What kind of nonsense is he talking about? Jisung's face turned red, Bbama was afraid that he too had been infected by this strange disease. I've also seen parasites like that on TV. Hyunjin loved watching movies where everyone was somehow infected by it. But they complain to me when I have thin shit... Hyunjin laughs out loud, apparently, he realizes how little we like this whole situation.

Unfortunately, Hyunjin kept his promise and that weird Jisung was suddenly over at our place all the time. The only advantage was that Bbama was allowed to join, so at least I had someone to complain to if they locked us out of the bedroom again or if we couldn't do anything about it when they wanted to eat each other's faces off their heads, just like it was often shown in the movies.

I was really worried about my master, he was like a changed person. He complained less when I didn't want to cuddle with him or when I tried to warm up in the bathroom after the rain. He also stopped talking at me all the time or giving me his disgusting strawberries, instead, Jisung got them. Even dipped in chocolate, which I was never allowed to have. And Jisung even listened to Hyunjin with rapt attention, as if the nonsense he kept rambling on about was really interesting.

The two of them didn't differ from each other in that respect, they talked long into the night, laughed loudly, and then fell asleep in each other's arms. Bbama got his own bowl next to me, his own basket and our home became fuller. In the mornings it was crowded in the bathroom as they both brushed their teeth and we walked back and forth under their feet.

Jisung was actually okay because when he came home he always greeted us both with this stupid big grin on his face and gave us these damn tasty treats. At first, I was still skeptical and watched the whole thing from a safe distance, but Bbama assured me that he wouldn't poison me. Since then, we both waited for him to come home.

Of course, it was hard to get used to the fact that I now had to share Hyunjin's togetherness, but compromises were found. He had this one room where I was never allowed in as a youngster. He disappeared there every day and closed the door behind him, but sometimes he got himself a drink and left the door ajar. So I would sneak in. It smelled funny and it was extremely cluttered. Those colored blobs on the floor didn't taste very good and I warned Bbama before he threw up just like me. Hyunjin didn't think that was good (even though it was his fault because he put them there in the first place) and we got into real trouble.

I never did it again. Nevertheless, Hyunjin now let me into his room. He was quiet and concentrated, music was playing and I either snuggled up in his lap or on the windowsill where the sun was shining in. I simply enjoyed his presence for as long as I had it to myself.

And the day came when they no longer locked their bedroom door. Bbama and I could hardly believe it, but they allowed us to sleep in bed again. I was a bit sour, of course, because Jisung had now taken my place, but it wasn't so bad having him there. Me and Bbama usually lay together at the foot of the bed in the summer and Bbama let me use him as a pillow. I mean, his white fur really invites you to cuddle up, I couldn't help it. In the winter, even if our owners complained, we would squeeze in between them or on their pillows. Two humans mean twice the warmth, and as a dog you get cold pretty quickly.

Maybe a dog's life wasn't as exhausting as I had always imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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