I still have the paper I used. It sits in my room, titled ‘Holland and Oaklynn’s future home,’ he picked out the name. I forgot I had that until just now actually. “It’d make a beautiful home.” I tell him, with a smile. 

        “We’ll let’s go in. I want you to see the inside.” He tells me, cutting off the engine. 

        We get out of his truck, and I round the hood waiting for him. He gets into the backseat, looking for something, so I look around the land. There are tall fences on either side of the building, tall weeds wrapping around the posts, and two huge trees that appear dead on the sides of the building. I look back at the building, inspecting every inch of the exterior, when I notice there’s a huge lock on the door. 

        When Holland makes his way towards me, I point it out, “You do know there’s a lock on the door right?” I question, and he nods. I give him a confused look, which he brushes off. He makes his way towards the building, brushing off my confusion, and leaving me no choice but to also brush it off.

        When he gets to the large doors, he sets down the bags he was carrying, and pulls out keys that aren’t connected to his key ring. He sticks one into the lock, turns the key, and the lock clicks. “I bought this place.” He says, nonchalantly, as he pushes one of the doors open. 

        I wait for him to go in first, which takes a few seconds as he picks up the bags from the ground. I would have picked them up, but last time I tried, he threatened to cut off my hands. “What do you mean you bought this place?” It’s a dumb question I know, but I have to ask it. 

        Holland makes his way inside, turning slightly to the right. There’s a quiet flick, and then the room lights up. It’s empty, recently swept, and there’s a few lawn chairs. “I bought it with some money my dad had put up for me. I want to have a place right after I graduate. The guys and I are going to renovate it when we can, during the summer, and whatever we aren’t able to do, I’ll hire someone to finish.” He explains, and my jaw rests on the floor. 

        “You are going to renovate this place on your own, and have it done by next may?” He nods. “That’s incredible Land!” I praise, and his cheeks turn slightly pink. He has no reason to be embarrassed, this is truly amazing, and he deserves nothing less than a million people praising him for it. 

        As my eyes take in the full palace, he walks to the chairs, setting down the bags. The inside is at least 25,000 square feet. The walls already have insulation, and there are beams for what I’m assuming will be other walls. There are a bunch of power tools scattered around the big room, jackets are slung over a few of the beams, and there is a mini fridge near the chair. 

        “Wanna walk around and see what I have planned?” Holland asks, and I nod excitedly. “Come here then.” He holds out his hand, and I take it without hesitation. We walk through a partly finished arch way, and stop in the middle of the new room. “This is going to be the kitchen and dining room,” he points over to a large area, “that'll be the sink and over. FIgured they should be near each other because it can get messy while cooking,” he points over to another part of the room, “that’ll be a drink area. There’ll be a coffee machine, sparkling water machine, and we’re trying to figure out if we should put in a soda fountain. Like at the stores, you know?” He asks, and I nod. He turns to another part, “That’ll be where a huge fridge and freezer will go,” he points to the only window back here, “that’ll be a huge sliding door, it’ll lead into the backyard.” 

        I take in what he’s saying, and picture everything he’s saying. After a few seconds of silence, I look at him, and nod. It’ll look amazing. “Do you have in put? Anything that’ll make it look good?” He asks, and I take everything in again. 

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