Chapter 25: Double Trouble 2

Start from the beginning

Bizarro Cole: It'll be our pleasure


(The ninja are still stuck in the room.)

Anna: If we don't get out, they're gonna hurt or blackmail Lloyd and undo all the lessons we tried to teach him.

Cole: Not to mention never taste cake again.

Kai: Forget about cake!

Zane: Principal Noble, how well do you and the teachers know this building?

Noble: We barely know it at all, actually. We're new. The old teachers were highly committed to teaching evil and quit in protest when the school went good.

Zane: So if the school building was originally built for evil, don't we have to assume there are hidden passages, which none of you would even know about?

Anna: Hey, you're right. It just wouldn't be an evil school without hidden passages.

Kai: Okay, everyone. Look for a hidden switch. It could be anything: a book, a tile, a fixture.

Jay: (Pulls on a book) I found it! (The ceiling starts lowering.)

Kai: Wrong switch! Keep looking!

Cole: (Rotates a potted plant) Aha! (Spikes come out of the ceiling. Everyone gasps.)

Jay: Really what next spikes on the walls

(Anna spotted a cup she lifted it up and sees' a button to she pushes it, then spikes came from the wall and it started closing , while they stared blankly at Jay.)

Woman: AHH! You made it worst!!!!

Zane: (Tilts a lamp. A door opens.) This way!

(The door lead them to a black room.)

Jay: Hahaha! Stop tickling me!

Cole: I'm not tickling you.

Kai: Zane, can you give us some light?

(Zane does so, but the room is covered in spiders.)

Ninja: Aah!

Zane: Well have to make a run for it!

Anna: I rather get squashed by spikes!

Kai: We're going in 3...2...1 GO!!!!

( Anna, the ninja and the teachers make a run for it and come out through a locker.)


(The evil ninja are led to the room the teachers and ninja are previously in, but it's vacant.)

Bizarro Cole: What is this? Some kind of joke?

Brad: Uh, that's where they were. Honest!

Evil ninja: Time for another noogie.

Brad: No, no! Anything but that! (At that moment, the ninja and the teachers come out of a door in the wall.)

Cole: Ah. Finally, a way out.

( They look side way to see 

Kai: Guys, why are we staring at ourselves?

Noble: Uh, this is kind of too weird for us. We're gonna stay in here.

Jay: Ha. Those who don't fight, teach.

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