An Obstacle to Overcome

Start from the beginning

Ash: -rushes over at Bruno trying to grab the badge-

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Ash: -rushes over at Bruno trying to grab the badge-

Bruno: -turns around, grabs Ash's arm and flips him over- Too obvious

-Lucario jumps out of a tree trying to land on top of Bruno-

Bruno: -quickly reacts and calls Machamp out to block the attack-

Ash: Gotcha! -recovers quickly and manages to touch Bruno-

Bruno: Good -lows sweeps Ash right off of his feet-

Machamp: -blocks Lucario's attack, grabbing and slamming it right next to Ash-

Bruno: But not good enough -continues walking away-

Ash: (How many times have I tried to get that badge. This is getting real annoying) -follows shortly after Bruno-

"I don't know exactly how long it's been since I left with Buno, but definitely at least several weeks to a couple of months. Throughout that time I basically lived and followed Bruno's every move. And let me tell you, it's brutal. Bruno's everyday life is a challenge, always training to better himself and his pokemon. Currently we've been in this place poetically called "Death Forest". You let your guard down once and you will pay the price. I already got bitten in my sleep twice. Anyway, I do notice small changes in not just my pokemon, but me as well. The phrase "You must acknowledge the truth, to push towards your ideals" has been consistently wavering in my head. Now for the past couple days and weeks I've been remembering my old life, my old friends. It's weird really..."

Ash: -out of breath-

Bruno: -puts his hand on Ash's back- Don't worry, we're close to our destination, we should arrive there by tomorrow

Ash: Isn't about time you tell me what this "destination" is?

Bruno: -looks at Ash- I guess you're right. We're heading over to the Battle Tree

Ash: Huh!? The Battle Tree!? I remember Professor Kukui saying something about that a couple of years ago. Wait, but isn't the Battle Tree located in Region 7?

Bruno: No no you're right, it is. Death Forest spreads across mostly in Region 8, but some parts leak into Region 7

Ash: So are you implying that we're currently in Region 7 right now!?

Bruno: That's exactly it.

Ash: (Wow that's amazing, I could have never guessed we traveled through that forest into a whole nother Region!)

-The ground starts shaking-

Bruno and Ash: -both become alert-

Bruno: Quick to the trees

-They both cimb a tree looking down at the ground. They sees herds a multiple different pokemon running in one direction-

Ash: It looks like they're running away

-Loud stomps are heard across the area, as the ground vibrates Ash and Bruno feel a powerful pokemon approaching-

Ursaring: -lets out a loud screech sending all the pokemon in the vicinity away-

Ash: An Ursaring. (It's at least 7 feet tall!!) Are they usually that big!?

Bruno: No, this one will be trouble -goes down from the tree and gets Ursarings attention-

Ash: -Follows after- Let me handle this

Bruno: -looks back at Ash with a concerned face- Are you sure?

Ash: You don't think I can do it

Bruno: I'm not downplaying your abilities, I'm saying this Ursaring is one of a kind, it's dangerous

Ash: I'm not afraid -looks at Ursaring- (Look at the amount of scares it has, it's been through a lot-

Ursaring: Raaaaaaaaaarrrrrr!! -charges at them-

Ash: -grabs a pokeball- Charizard ready up!!

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