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"It's a beautiful day here at the wave pool. A few of our young hopefuls getting in their last practice waves before the State Finals get underway. Make no mistake, in the junior ranks these are the best of the best." Emory heard the announcer say, as she walked over to her friends who are gathered around chatting.

She needed to calm down her nerves, this competition was important to her. Well to everyone really.

"Attention, Emory Taylor, Poppy Tetanui and Bodhi Mercer. Your pizza is ready. I repeat, your pizza is ready. And, Marlon Sousa, could you please put on a shirt for once?"

"Hey!" Manu laughs at Marlon.

"wait a min-"

"Summer?" the brunette girl had to do a double take.

"Summer?!" shrieks Poppy, as all three girls notice her getting helped from behind the speaker.

"How could you not tell us?"

" I got you so good!"

" America?"

"Brazil! What's up?"

"if you think you got us good, just wait tell you see what's coming our way" Emmy groaned when she noticed Ari walking this way, which meant the blonde wasn't probably far behind.

"What do you mean-"  Summer cut her sentence short when she noticed Ari, she started to walk towards him when Wren showed up. Ari to stunned at the fact that Summer was there he didn't do anything to stop Wren from kissing him in front of her.

"Well if you'd excuse me, I have to get ready"

"Wait Emmy hold up" Summer finally spoke up, looking away from Ari and Wren who she had just got introduced to, followed after her.

"you know you could've told me about Wren by the way"

"Hey to be fair i've barely heard from you in months and we do have our own lives" she stated looking back at her as they walk through the changing room door.

"Okay fair"

"So I take it your still into Ari?"

"I was looking forward to seeing him. Whatever, I guess that ship has sailed." She frowned, looking down it to the ground. "Hey, what about you and Beau? Where is he at anyway?"

Bodhi and Poppy walked into the room joining us. Poppy walking over to the brunette, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"Ya, that ship has also sailed... but hey Bodhi's got someone"  she quickly add to get the attention off her and the situation she'd rather not talk about.

"Get it, Bodhi! Tell me everything."

Emory takes that as her moment to exit the conversation and get changed " i'll see you guys out there"

"Heat One competitors, please head to the pool" the announcers voice blared into the change room.


"Here we go, by the end of today, four girls and four boys will be selected for the state team, heat one for the girls looks interesting. We've got Bodhi Mercer against the untouchable Emory Taylor-" Emmy let the announcers voice drift out of her head.

"And Mercer is on fire can Taylor raised to the occasion" Bodhi has improved so much over the year, but Emmy knew she had been working, just as hard " and that answers that look at the way this girl does it, I mean she a natural! Beautiful extecution from Taylor that will put her to the top but there's still lots of competition to go here"

walking up to the shoreline, she was greeted by Summer and Poppy both giving her hugs, jumping up and down. " that was amazing you did awesome" Summer yelled, slapping her shoulder.

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