Holy shit

Towering Infront of him is the sludge villain that had attacked him earlier, sloshing around and causing collateral damage to the buildings around him.

But that's not what truly makes Izukus stomach churn, beckoning him to lose what little he ate for breakfast that day. Instead it was the teenager, wearing a uniform for Izukus school, wrapped around by sludge. The one with spiky blonde hair and crimson red eyes.


Izuku isn't even thinking anymore. He springs into the fight, bag in hand. Screams from heros are heard behind him, but he ignores them, keeping his eyes on the target. He swings off his backpack, tightening his grip because holy shit he will not fucking miss this and risk his friends life.

He throws his back at the sludge villains eye, and thank god, it actually hits. He almost breaks out a sob when he sees His blonde friend take in a shallow but deep breath once the sludge breaks hold. Izuku is fucking grateful when Kachan has the ability to speak.

Through a cracking and broken voice he screams, "DEKU- What the hell are you doing he-" His sentence is cut off by the sludge villain pouring more sludge on top of his childhood friend. Izuku cant even respond. He feels his whole body go into autopilot, as he scratches and pulls on the monster, trying to help more..

But you can't. You know you can't. Your worthless, not even able to save one person. Not able to save your childhood friend. The person you grew up with. The person who may actually be able to do good in the world- unlike you.

Almost like the world knew he couldn't do this alone, cold sludge suddenly explodes all over of him. Kachan is free. But Izuku is too disoriented to even comprehend that.

A loud, booming voice is heard overhead.


All Might? Again? Izuku wants to feel excited but he feels comepletely drained. Also.. He honestly he doesn't even know how to feel about All Might anymore.

So now you are going to hate him for telling you what you already know?

He feels a hand grab his uniform collar, and drag him out of the scene. Concerned voices and questions are shot at him from everywhere, but he can't process anything or anyone at this moment.

Infact, next thing Izuku knows, he is walking "home" when Kachan stops him. Izuku can hardly make out anything, but he catches on that Katsuki isn't all that happy with "Deku" trying save him. It's okay though. He understands.

That's why when the blonde walks away, Izuku continues without actually trying to argue. At this point however, Izuku isnt heading to the broken down garage he calls home.

We are here.

Water is heard from down below, waves hitting hard against spikey rocks. He's standing at the edge of a tall bridge that somehow has no bars to block him from what he is about to do. He feels.. calm. The night air is chilling but at this point he doesn't care much.

He grips his backpack tighter. He for some reason doesn't want to lose it when he dies. He doesn't want people taking any of his very few belongings when he finds his body.

Can't let them think you had value at one point.

He doesn't even feel regret or fear as he plunges to the area below him. He hardly flinches as his face is hardly centimeters away from hitting a rock.

He doesn't even feel the pain of his skull crack open, brains spilling out from each split.


Izuku isnt religious in the slightest. When he was a kid he was told about God, but anytime he tried to communicate with this supposedly all powerful being, he just felt like he was talking to a brick wall.

Denial For Death (Immortal Vigalante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now