You unexpectedly walked into my life

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You unexpectedly walked into my life

I don't know why...

You choose to love me

My mind is at a mental war don't you see

Poisonous thoughts fill my mind

Just take a leap and end it all...

My thoughts start screaming

Well I start dreaming...

Of different ways to jump off the deep end...

And take a leap

This isn't fake

Don't you see I'm ready to take...

Everything I have and throw it away

Can I let the dead night

Pull me into its cold embrace?

I'm done with this never ending chase!

I can't seem to quit

I'm drowning again but it's worse this time

Cuts start to appear on my wrist and pain...

Over takes me as I look at myself with disdain

My mind is in a strife

I want to defy

Everything going on in my loud conscience...

I'm spitting nonscience

Will I ever be able to find

What it's like not to feel so small?

In my cruel mind I want to feel fine...

That is a far thought because I crossed the line

I'm sorry to have befriended...

You...and letting this relationship get so deep

I should have been absent

So your feeling wouldn't have an attachment

And you would be okay...

Not feeling sadness for a broken light

Who is dying on the inside...

But know I tried...

Even if I finally hit...

The end of my time...

Know I won't be feeling pain anymore...

Because I lost my fight in the war

The Darkest HoursWhere stories live. Discover now