𝐵𝑎𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡?

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bad idea right? - Olivia Rodrigo

"Seein' you tonight,

It's a bad idea right?

Seein' you tonight,

Fuck it, it's fine"

AVERY AND ANDY WERE AT THE RETIREMENT HOME visiting their grandma. They were both just on their phones texting their friends. Avery was texting Aaron while Andy was probably texting 69 girls.

Avery was chuckling about something that Aaron had said before she heard someone say, "Andy? Avery? Oh, hey!"

Avery looked up and was surprised to see Stacy standing there. Stacy had literally never went there before so it was very weird for her be there.

Avery looked at her and realised how nice she looked today. Her makeup was more than usual but it was nice. And her dress was a floral white and pastel green.

But Avery was confused as to why Stacy would dress up just to go to a retirement home? Then it hit her. Andy.

Avery sighed and slumped back into her seat. Although, she did want to hear how this conversation would go. 

"Yo." Andy glanced up at Stacy. Avery tried to hide her smile knowing her brother cannot keep a conversation going for the life of him.

Stacy awkwardly smiled at Avery. "What are you doing here?" She said turning back to Andy.

"I'm just visiting my grandma. She's taking a nap right now, so i got to sit here till i get picked up." Andy answered.

"It's so sweet that you visit her." Stacy told him smiling. Avery looked at her, confused. "You've literally never said that to me before?"

Stacy gave Avery a look telling her to shush before looking over at Andy again and smiling.

"Yeah, my mom said they'll take away my Xbox if i don't. So..." Andy replied going back to his phone.

Stacy looked around awkwardly again before she walked over and sat on the arm of the chair that Avery was sitting in.

"Soo. Are you excited about your Bar Mitzvah?" Stacy asked trying to get him to talk more. "Yeah, it should all right." Andy responded turning back to his phone once again.

Avery couldn't contain her laugh this time as Stacy kicked her shins. "Ow!" Stacy turned and said to Andy, "that's dope." Which made Avery try and muffle her laugh in her arm this time since she didn't want to get kicked again.

There was yet another awkward silence until Andy actually spoke up first, "yeah, but Lydia, she's being all salty 'cause she has to miss some dumb dance competition to go."

"Ugh. I hate how competitive she is." Stacy agreed with him. "It's just like, why cant it be about the dancing?"

"Well, I mean, I play soccer, and soccer is pretty competitive." Andy told Stacy.

𝑌𝑂𝑈 𝐵𝐸𝐿𝑂𝑁𝐺 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻 𝑀𝐸 - AARON PORTERWhere stories live. Discover now