I guess that's the good thing about our group. We can sit in the same spot for hours just talking, no moving, no getting bored, just talking about nothing and everything. There's never judgment, never a need to feel self conscious, never a reason to keep anything hidden- well, now there's not.

        "So, I'm thinking we get stuff to make margaritas, order some Mexican food, and binge a show. What do you think?" Ivy asks, and I nod. "Perfect. We'll stop on the way home, I'll go in and pick up the margarita stuff, you can call in our food, and then we'll figure out what to watch." She tells me.

        Getting the food and things for the margaritas don't take long, thankfully. And when we get to Ivy's dorm, I immediately go take a shower. When I'm finished, Ivy already has us each a margarita ready, the show is pulled up on the TV, and blankets spread out on the couch. "Stuff ready babe." She teases.

        "Shit. If this is how you're going to treat me, then I might not go back to Holland." I joke, and she breaks into laughter. "What? He gets me food, he fucks me really good, and he binges shows with me. But he doesn't lay me blankets out, nor does he make me margaritas." She laughs even more at my semi joke, and I shrug. We both know if I asked him to, he would in a heartbeat.

        Neither of us say anything, we just start the show, sip our margarita, and pig out on our food. We talk about the show, and who we think the hottest is. Since Ivy's never seen the full thing, she takes offense when I laugh at her for thinking certain people are hot. "I'm just saying. He could totally hit it, and I would have no objection." She confesses.

       "He's gay. Look at him. You can tell he's gay." I laugh, and she scowls. One of my favorite pastimes is making Ivy mad because her choices in people are very questionable. I really do hope that my future nieces and nephews have a good looking father or mother. "You know I love you. Don't take it to heart. I'll just pray for your future kids." I laugh again.

        "Speaking of children. I kind of did something really, really bad when you were at work this week. I didn't use protection. I didn't think about it." I stare at her. I didn't even know she's been seeing anyone, much less getting her itch scratched. "I can't tell you who it is right now, nor do I feel like the drama that'll come from it. Just know that if anything happens, you'll be the first person to know."

        I know who it is, she knows that I know who it is, yet we don't say anything. I'm pretty sure everyone knows who she's been seeing, but we're all waiting for Ivy to confess. "Okay. You'll tell me when you're ready, or when you find out you're pregnant." I tease, causing her elbow to find my ribs. "I was kidding. Kind of." She shuts down after that, focusing back on the show.

        Hours pass, and the sun starts rising. "Holy shit. We're half way through the show, the sun is rising, and we have to be ready by four for the game. I am going to need a massive ass coffee for today." Ivy groans, and I laugh. "Well, I'm going to bed."

        "Night." I tell her as she starts heading to her room. We both know that I won't sleep because sleeping is a chore recently. If I do sleep, it's for five hours max. Since I won't be sleeping, I decide to start cleaning up Ivy's dorm. And by clean, I mean a deep clean. Sweep and mop the floors, do all the dishes that she's been putting off, dust, clean the bathroom... you get the idea.

        I start by cleaning up the disaster from last night, which surprisingly takes a little longer than I thought it was going to. Then I start sweeping. Twenty minutes later, and the living room is done. When I start in the kitchen, I notice that there isn't that much stuff. It's either that or I'm just in the mindset where it's not a lot. Either way, the kitchen is done in ten minutes. Swept, moped, dishes are done, and the fridge has been cleaned. The bathroom surprisingly takes the longest. I scrub the toilet, the shower, and the sink. After I can see my reflection, I start cleaning the mirror, which is pretty clean.

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