Start from the beginning

Idiots. It was just a gun! Much less damage than a freaking MURDER DRONE.

"Easy, morons. It doesn't work... yet. It doesn't work YET! Who said it doesn't work? Maybe it DOES!" I flick the switch, cackling madly. I finally understood how fun this was. I mean, if Murder Drones did this everyday...

The teacher rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Uzi, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons."

Oh crap.

"So this magnetically amplified photon converger doesn't count?"

"... no. Plus, repressed emotional baggage is only worth 2 points on the rubric. And is it supposed to be that color?"



———in the sick bay———

Ok, so I figured it out. I was missing a piece to my railgun. Obviously, us worker drones didn't have any pieces, but I'm sure the death bots had some useful pieces.

"Eww, it didn't kill her! Oh my god I'm so bad!" I hear Lizzy say from outside the door. I growl but stop when I notice my only friend in school, April, rush into the sick bay.

"Oh my god Uzi, I heard what happened! Sorry I didn't come here earlier, the history teacher wouldn't let me leave!" I smile at how much she was fussing over me.

"Yeah, I'm fine now though. I don't want you to be late for the next class though. I know you have music on the fourth floor. You should go now to not be late." I say ushering her towards the door.


"No buts! I don't want to be the reason you're late." She looked reluctant.

"Are you sure?" I roll my eyes. She cared too much.

"Yes! But before you go, meet me at 3:30am, we're looking for scraps at the murder drone area." She looked like she was about to protest but the bell caught her off guard as she rushed downstairs for the music class.

I sit back down. I guess I should give more details to April later. Beside, I had all the time in the world considering I was in the sick bay and already had the permission.

I was planning to make use of it.

"Classic toxic masculinity Chad! That's never gonna end up problematic... oh wow, Uzi? I heard you, uh-"

"I'm an angsty teen, Thad, BITE ME. Also how do you know my name?" I ask as he sits down next to me. "People willingly talk to YOU."

Thad chuckles.

"Well, I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughter, but, uh, then you might blow half of your face off." He says nervously as I give him a death glare.

"Crippling daddy issues, hilarious... what are YOU in for? Testosterone too hard?" I ask sarcasm dripping with every word.

"That can happen?!" He asks looking surprised. "Awesome. Hey, those bandages look pretty bad@$$." He says pointing at the bandages covering one of my eyes and my forehead.

I blush.

"Oh... uh, ew. Gross, I hate that you said that." I say trying to keep up the tough guy act.

"So what's the uh..."

"Sick as hell railgun?!" I point the railgun at him before lowering it. "Sci-fi nonsense that SUPER works. I'm sneaking to the Murder Drone lair tonight to get the last spare part I need to save the world with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff." Realizing what I said I try to patch up my vulnerability "But MOSTLY the world part, Of course."

"Oh. But doesn't your dad make awesome doors so we don't HAVE to... uh, do that... scary emotionally repressed stuff?" He asks nervously.

"NO MORE FEEDBACK ON MY REPRESSION TODAY!!" I say pointing the gun at his face again.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't think-" I get up and leave annoyed.

"BITE ME!" I say heading out the door. I come back feeling guilty. "I'm not mad at you, by the way, just generally hormonal!" I leave again, happy with the excuse.

———time skip backwards———


Uzi was going to sneak into the murder drone area?! I had to stop this! But I knew her, she was stubborn, she wouldn't budge. And if I left with to try to stall her, N would get suspicious and look for me.

Ugh! This whole thing was giving me a headache.

Ok, fine let me explain a bit.


I was getting bored. I mean, killing was still fun, but it didn't happen as often anymore once V and J got reckless and ruined it.

I sigh.

N had come back from hunting the last few idiots that hadn't hidden in the 'colony' yet. He tosses me a head full of oil that I catch. He sits down next to me on the top of the ship as I zone out staring out into the distance.

"You know how they have a school in the colony?" He asks me suddenly, surprising me and causing me to choke on the oil. I regain my composure and look at him.

"Yeah? What about it?" I ask. N then cheerfully explains about how we could have me disguise as a student and I could kill them and bring back the remains for us to eat.

I was starting to warm up to the idea.

"But you might be a little too tall." He finishes.

"Oh, that won't be a problem." I say snapping and turning shorter, the excess matter turning into headphones.

"Woah, you can do that?!" He exclaims excitedly, looking at me excitedly, his tail wagging energetically like a dog. I giggle. He was cute when he was excited.

"Yeah. Like I said. The company who made me was weird." I shrug. He still looks at me excitedly. "Anyways, let's go sign me up to the school.

Flashback end

What should I do to stop Uzi from killing herself! To N nonetheless!!

1575 words! C u in the next chapter!
Luv u guys!

N x Female Reader [Murder Drones] fanfic - Not One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now