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I will be modifying the canon as we enter Uzi's POV!


I guiltily walk back to the ship, questioning my purpose in life. I slump in the pilot seat, my memories from the crash already fading away.

N comes into the ship after me, looking at me concerned.

"Are you ok?" He asks looking around for a chair but not finding one, so he leans on the controls. I shake off the terrible headache and nod.

"I'm... just tired I guess." I mutter rubbing where my temples would be. I head out, deciding to test my new wings to find a bed for myself, and maybe one for N.

———change of POV———


I watch as Y/N fly away. That conversation was... awkward. I stay in the ship, exploring it a bit more. Honestly, I don't remember what happened to the ship.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember anything.

I'm racking my brain for any memories as J and V walk in.

"What's up, loser." V says as greeting, throwing a drone head at me that I catch.

"Hi, V!" I say cheerily, putting the head on the table in the middle of the ship.

"Me and V have decided that I will be the leader, so YOU, are going to listen to ME." She says, her pointy foot thing on my chest.

"Uh. Ok? I like doing anything I guess..." I say, ready to get out of there. She scowls at me and leaves, V looks at me as if I was the most disgusting thing ever before she follows J.

I think I should get Y/N, she'd been out for a while and I was nervous.

I get out and fly after her.


"Woah! That took a lot of time to find mattresses." I say, grabbing them surprisingly easily.

I take off to get back to the ship, but on the way there, while I was being distracted by some weird flashing lights, I bump into something solid.

"Ow. What the-?" I look up. It's N. "Oh, hi N. What're you doing here?" I ask. His blade like wings almost cutting me.

"I just wanted to see if you were ready to get back." He says awkwardly rubbing his arm. He looked sad and a little scared.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I ask concerned, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.

He looked flustered and he was blushing. He looked around frantically. I was even more concerned. He looked like he had a fever. Did robots even get fevers?

"N? Are you okay?" I ask.

"U-uh y-yeah? It's just- I mean, it's okay, b-but J said that her- I mean- she was the leader now." He stuttered, pulling his hand away from mine. I didn't notice or care.

"Hold on, we need to get the mattresses back to the ship. Are you okay with her being leader? You seem upset about that." I say, already flying towards the ship as N follows.

He shakes his head.

"No, I'm fine. It doesn't really matter, it just feels... off." He shakes his head as if to dismiss it. "Wanna go hunting?"

I smile, glad he was feeling better and nod.

———a month later———

Uzi POV:

"But WHAT have our parents done for the past FOREVER while those THINGS build a spite of CORPSES?! Hide under the ice behind three STUPID doors?! It's like we're WAITING for an inciting incident! Anyway, that's why my project is this SICK-as-hell RAILGUN!" I pull out the glowing green gun causing panic.

N x Female Reader [Murder Drones] fanfic - Not One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now