A/N; Important Notice

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Just to tell whoever is going to be reading this, this story is written purely out of desire to get the idea out of my head.

There is already too many unfinished stories in my drafts so I published my most recent one out of boredom.

I actually does not have high hopes for my story since I have no experiences in writing a story so good it made people captivated.

This was also because my native language is not English, and I had just graduated from secondary school.

Also, before you continue reading, for those who skipped reading the summary, please check the warning in the summary! It is important before you continue!

I'll repeat the warning:
-Contained incest
-Attempt Sexual Assault
-Many OC
-Out of character

This story was not planned ahead and was written on the spot and whenever ideas popped up, so some of these warnings might be unnecessary; but just in case, please take it seriously.

Those who still wish to continue reading this badly written story, you can continue.

(Most of the arts is drawn by me)

I Was Rejected Again T-T//SasuNaruWhere stories live. Discover now