When he moved away Thereya could see clearly, Princess Rhaenys sitting on turnery. "Come, make yourself comfortable."

Thereya walked inside and closed the door behind her, Rhaenys didn't even bother to stand up or reach out her hand for a handshake. She just simply sat there holding a goblet of wine looking at Thereya from head to toe taking in everything she was wearing and her body language.

"So you are the blue-eyed dragon that the half of the kingdom is whispering about," Rhaenys said while taking a sip from her wine.

Thereya smiled softly as she replied with sarcasm in her tone "Apparently..."

"To be honest I expected much more. To see the red keep on fire, after what I have been told you appear to be." Rhaenys said with a somewhat arrogant tone.

Thereya was known for her sharp and impulsive responses, even though she tried to hold herself back she simply couldn't bite her tongue. "And I expected you to be the Queen. It looks like we are equally disappointed your Grace."

Rhaenys scoffed and chuckled slightly to herself. "That attitude of yours will either get you to rule the world or to six feet below the ground Princess. It is a big risk."

Thereya nodded in response feeling somewhat amused that Rhaenys didn't get furious or threaten to take her tongue out for what she said. "Taking big risks can be daunting, but within those risks lie the seeds of extraordinary growth and accomplishment. Embrace the challenge, fuel your determination, and remember that it's often the boldest steps that lead to the most fulfilling journeys. Your potential knows no bounds when you confront the unknown with courage and resilience. Believe in yourself, and let the prospect of success be the driving force behind every daring move you make."

Rhaenys smiled softly after hearing Thereya's views and seeing how different her mind was from the rest of the Targaryen's. Even if they shared blood they would never share eyes.

"Very well. I wanted to tell you that house Velaryon will stand with you, Princess. If it comes to court denying you in any way..." Rhaenys added.

Thereya was in disbelief and caught off guard completely. That was the last thing she expected to hear from her. Could it be that Rhaenyra has spoken with her that she disagrees with Daemon or that she is simply a woman of justice?

"What made you make that decision your Grace?" Thereya asked with her eyebrows slightly curling up in confusion.

"Because I can see... I believe that you are not lying. And the thing that I can see more than the Targaryen resemblance is that indomitable human spirit burning inside of you, a true fire. That is what I needed to see, that is what I want to see in this House." Rhaenys said with a strong attitude.

Thereya smiled from the corner of her mouth. "I am grateful, truly." she nodded her head slowly.

"You are free to go dear... This was all I needed. I thank you for this reassurance." Rhaenys said as she motioned towards the door and took another sip of wine from her goblet.

When Thereya walked outside of the chambers she saw Corlys leaning on the wall waiting for her to go away so he could return. Thereya gave him a nod of approval and he returned it as he walked back inside and Thereya walked back to her chambers.

On her way back while passing the courtyard she saw Aegon leaning on the pillar and sleeping passed out drunk. He was smelling of wine as she passed him. She rolled her eyes and scoffed but after taking another few steps she stopped in the tracks.

Thereya was already annoyed with herself and with what is she about to do as she clenched her fist in frustration and walked back to Aegon. "Get up twat. You will freeze and die then all of the yelling and shouting will be turned on me." She said as she poked his side with her foot.

But Aegon didn't move, Thereya's eyes widened and she crouched down and shook his shoulders firmly. "Aegon! Gods!" she shouted thinking he was dead for a moment, even though that wasn't the case and he whimpered and squinted his eyes.

Thereya exhaled in relief, "You idiot, can we interact normally for once? Get up" She grabbed Aegon by the underarms as she was struggling to help him get up but after some struggle, he was back on his feet.

"Leave me alone i was sleeping. I had such a good dream... Maybe even a wet dream." Aegon smirked slightly with his eyes half shut leaning his body weight on Thereya. She felt like he was going to crush her.

"Shut up you smell..." She replied sharply but Aegon just kept mumbling the first words that came to his mind as they made their way towards his chambers.

Thereya spent a good five minutes trying to get the door open without Aegon falling on his face and having his nose broken again.

"Oh, I don't care how drunk you are you better remember this. If you don't the Gods will remind you, little twat." She said as they got inside and he dropped on his bed.

Thereya moved his hair out of his mouth because his hands weren't functioning. She was so mad that when she looked at him in this pathetic state she burst into laughter.

"Don't laugh at me..." He mumbled while she unbuttoned his shirt. "We are even now. You hold nothing over me, idiot." She laughed as she stood up and made her way towards the door. "Wait..." Aegon mumbled.

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