Chapter three

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❝︎︎ тнe нυɴтer'ѕ нoɴor ❞︎︎

EREBUS ARGENT HAD BEEN FORCED TO GO WITH ALLISON. His cousin demanded him to go with her. Saying that he was being boring, she just wanted to get out of the house and get some air.

"What's wrong with the air in here?" Erebus sarcastically asked back.

"Oh, my god! You ruined it. Fine. I was going to surprise you by going to your favorite bakery," Allison tells him.

"You are an evil, master manipulator, anyone ever tell you that?" Erebus asked.

"I'll wait for you in the car," she smiled. "Hurry, before dad finds out. And, leave the guns, and knives."

"He knows I'm not six-years-old right? I swear he acts like I am," Erebus says getting his jacket and quickly walking along side with his cousin. "He told me to go watch cartoons, which, I know it's not only for children, but, it's the way he said it."

"You are a child," Allison speaks.

"I'm fifteen."

"And I'm seventeen."

"Oh, yeah, practically an ancient soul. Why aren't you mummified?"

Allison playfully shouldered him as they walked out the door. And towards her car. Allison hoped into the driver's seat as Erebus sat in the passenger seat.
❝︎︎ тнe нυɴтer'ѕ нoɴor ❞︎︎

"This is delicious," Erebus spoke with his mouth full  the dessert. Allison had brought him cookies and brownies, along with a small cake. He had no clue why she did. He had thought, at first, maybe he missed an important date (he had forgotten about his birthday multiple times, his mom never cared for it, but, Chris and Allison would call him up and sing happy birthday to him, then inform him when the gift they sent would be arriving.)

Allison had to stop by a gas station, needing to fill up her gas tank. Allison got out of her car, turning it off before she had. 

"You want one? Which one?" Erebus asked once again.

"No thanks, Ery," she smiled before she grabbed the pump. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink, want anything?" Erebus asked.

"No thanks, I'm good."

Erebus entered the gas store, heading towards the drink. He looked for a bottle of soda, grabbing a Dr.Pepper one before heading towards the cashier. He placed it down, smiling slightly.

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