Chapter one

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|[●▪▪●]|Tʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ's ʜᴏɴᴏʀ|[●▪▪●]|

EREBUS ARGENT HAD DECIDED THAT HE SHOULD HAVE ALLOWED THAT ROUGE WEREWOLF TO KILL HIM. Or for his mother to kill him.  Allison had snuck Scott into the house, again. 

Erebus put his headphones on, turning up the volume as he looked down at the paper in front of him.

Chris has said that he should begin to attend Beacon Hills High since he would now be staying with them. Erebus hated the idea of attending school, not only did he barely know anyone in town, and was horrible with getting along with people, but, the only people he knew, his mother tried to kill one, and the other two were asses (and although it was clear Jackson had, to at least, be emotionally abusive towards Lydia, she was still a bit of a jerk), and then there was Stiles, who he thought was annoying. And, obviously, his cousin.

The young hunter glared at the paper in front of him, the music blasting in his ears. Luckily, either Scott or Allison weren't doing anything, they stopped or the music was at the right volume.

However, he tensed up, a hand slid into the book he had placed on his desk, removing the small, thin throwing knife. He quickly turned, tugging his headphones down in case they were used against him.

Chris looked at the boy, with a worried expression. "Erebus, are you alright?"

"Christ, I could have killed you," The boy huffed, crossing his arms as he threw the dagger on the desk.

Chris raised an eyebrow. "With a dagger?"

"No. With the gun," Erebus says, pulling the gun from his desk drawer. "The knife was wolves-bane laced and to stab you in the throat." He says, matter-of-factly.

"You cannot have a gun," Chris tells him.

"What gun?" Erebus questioned, faking confusion as he pushed the draw closed. 

Chris raised his eyebrows again. "Erebus."

"Fine." Erebus handed over the gun, receiving a look from his uncle. Erebus handed over the second gun and knife. "I can't believe this. It's not like I'm a child. I know how to use them."

"You are a child," Chris replied. "You're fifteen."

Erebus didn't reply.
|[●▪▪●]|Tʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ's ʜᴏɴᴏʀ|[●▪▪●]|

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