The Ending is Near

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I decided to skip the chapter where Jameson and Grayson go after Eve to Vincent Blake, I didn't know how to write it and this works for my version better.

Avery was talking about her plan to meet Nan again, I looked at Eve who looked completely distraught. "Want to go get some snacks, it always helps me think."

She smiled and nodded, once we were in the kitchen I grabbed some cookies and sat next to her.

"I heard about the meeting with your grandmother, it sounded rough."

 "She is obsessed with me but it's only because I look like Emily." she must of seen the surprise on my face because she elaborated. "Grayson told me about how Emily died and how I look exactly like her. Genes you know."

"Grayson told you about Emily?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Eve nodded, her gaze fixed on the table. "Yeah, he shared some details about her. It's eerie, you know? Feeling like a mirror image of someone who's no longer here."

I reached for Eve's hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "That must be really tough to handle, especially with your newly found grandmother fixating on it. How are you feeling?"

She sighed, "I don't know, Catalina. It's a lot to process. I want to understand my family's history, my real family but it feels like there's this unspoken burden on me because of it." 

I nodded, "The Laughlin family is complicated.. With Toby and Emily things are difficult."

"Definitely, let me grab us some drinks."

As Eve left to fetch drinks, I sat in the dimly lit kitchen, absorbing the weight of the revelations. The connection between Eve, Emily, and the complexities of her family history created a tangled web that seemed impossible to unravel.

Eve returned with two cups, placing one in front of me before settling back into her seat. The soft glow from the kitchen lamp illuminated the serious expression on her face."I appreciate you listening, Catalina. It's just a lot to handle, and I don't even know where to begin."

I took a sip of my drink, contemplating the best way to offer support. "You don't have to figure it all out right now. Just take things one step at a time. And if you ever need to talk or if there's anything I can do to help, I'm here."

Eve managed a grateful smile. "Thanks, Catalina. It means a lot. Sometimes, I feel like I'm standing on the edge of the unknown, Toby was the only person I've ever felt comfortable around and now he's been kidnapped. It's a lot."

Returning to my room, I felt the weight of exhaustion settling in. The need for sleep was undeniable. As I laid down, the embrace of fatigue wrapped around me, pulling me toward the verge of slumber.

Just as the edges of sleep were about to claim me, a sudden bang disrupted the tranquility. "Why do you have a plant right in front of the door!" Jameson's voice echoed through the room. "Maybe to keep out intruders," I mumbled, too tired for anything more. He flopped down next to me, his presence breaking through the silence. "Well, didn't work well, so I'm here to protect you."

"Good for you, now I'm going to bed," I replied, closing my eyes, finally surrendering to the embrace of sleep. The echoes of the day's complexities faded away, replaced by the gentle hum of exhaustion as dreams beckoned in the quiet room.

The room was bathed in a weak, gray light as I slowly opened my eyes. The soft morning glow filtered through the curtains, casting a light on everything it touched. As my vision adjusted, I became aware of a throbbing that filled my head. I looked to where Jameson was the night before, but he wasn't there. I scanned the room and noticed the light in the bathroom.

I attempted to push myself up from the bed, but my limbs felt heavy and uncooperative. A wave of dizziness washed over me as I struggled to sit upright. The simple act left me feeling breathless, as if the air in the room had suddenly turned thick and suffocating. My phone was across the room—great. I needed to text Xander or Nash. I was sick... again

Summoning all the strength I could muster, I stood up with a lot of struggle. I felt like throwing up, but I persisted and made it almost to my phone when a wave of dizziness made me collapse. I expected to hit the floor but was caught by someone. Jameson.

"Cal! Are you okay? You're super pale," he said, genuine concern etched across his face. "I... I'm just a little sick, I think. Call Xander and probably Libby. They know what to do," I managed to say, my voice weak and shaky.

"Here, sit down." Jameson guided me back to the bed, his strong arms supporting me. He reached for my phone and quickly dialed Xander.

"Cat?" I looked up at Xander who looked worried. "I thought you were better."

 Jameson looked worried, "Better?"

"Remember when I was tired? Yeah I was just really sick."

"And neither of you told me?"

"You needed to focus on finding Toby, and I was fine."

"Well, you're definitely not now."

"Libby and Nash aren't home, but they're on their way." Xander said.

I shook my head. "Don't I'll be fine; I was fine last time I just have to let it pass."

"Did you guys get Avery's message?" We all turned to the door where Eve was standing, Xander looked at his phone before showing us. Avery had told everyone to meet up.

"I'm not going." Jameson said.

"Yes, you are I'm fine, Avery needs your help." I turned to Xander. "You too."

"I can stay with her; Avery needs you two more than she needs me. I'll probably be more of a distraction." Eve offered.

"Jamie please." He stared at me, I could see the conflict in his eyes. 

Before finally he nodded, "As soon as it's done I'll be right back. Eve you'll stay with her." Eve nodded, and with that Jameson and Xander left.

"So you're sick again." Eve said sitting next to me.

I nodded, "Better than last time but still terrible."

"Whenever I was sick my mother would make me this special remedy. The plant used is grown by Wayback Cottage. We can try is you want." 

I smiled at her. "Why not, help me up I know where to get a car."

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